Information and Systems-Software Science(Date:2008/12/11)



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[Paper #]
An Observation of Maintenance Process in Agile Software Development using Bug Tracking System

Kyohei FUSHIDA,  Yuki OHMAE,  Masataka NAGURA,  Shinji KAWAGUCHI,  Kimiharu OHKURA,  Hajimu IIDA,  

[Paper #]SS2008-39
Experimentally Deriving Probability of Program Piracy based on Length of Code Clone

Satoshi OKAHARA,  Yuki MANABE,  Hiroki YAMAUCHI,  Akito MONDEN,  Kenichi MATSUMOTO,  Katsuro INOUE,  

[Paper #]SS2008-40
Checking the Compliance of Requirements Specifications to Regulations using a Model Checker

Motoshi SAEKI,  Haruhiko KAIYA,  Satoshi HATTORI,  

[Paper #]SS2008-41
Overheads in using version control systems and techniques to reduce them

Hitoshi SAKAI,  Katsuhiko GONDOW,  

[Paper #]SS2008-42
A modelling method for understanding computer behaviours at the user-interface level

Fumiko KOUDA,  Takashi CHIKAYAMA,  

[Paper #]SS2008-43
Solving Satisfiability of CNF Formulas with Elementary Symmetric Functions

Yohei UMANO,  Masahiko SAKAI,  Naoki NISHIDA,  Toshiki SAKABE,  Keiichirou KUSAKARI,  

[Paper #]SS2008-44
Decidability of Termination Properties for Term Rewriting Systems Consisting of Shallow Dependency Pairs

Keita UCHIYAMA,  Masahiko SAKAI,  Toshiki SAKABE,  Keiichirou KUSAKARI,  Naoki NISHIDA,  

[Paper #]SS2008-45
XML Processing Techniques Based on Tree Automata

Yoshiaki TAKATA,  Hiroyuki SEKI,  

[Paper #]SS2008-46
Description and Query of Sensing Data for Their Open Access

Hiroshi TAKAHASHI,  Naruki MITSUDA,  Tsuneo AJISAKA,  

[Paper #]SS2008-47


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Notice for photocopying


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