Information and Systems-Software Science(Date:1999/07/09)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
On the Algebraic Specification of GAEA

Hiroshi Ishikawa,  

[Paper #]SS99-15
Formal Development Methodology based on Unified Semantic Models for Reactive Systems

Satoshi Yamane,  

[Paper #]SS99-16
Solving Number-Line by Equivalent Transformation

Satoshi Hirata,  Kiyoshi Akama,  Eiichi Miyamoto,  

[Paper #]SS99-17
A Method of Generating Automata from Declarative Descriptions of Problems

Tadayuki Yoshida,  Kiyoshi Akama,  Eiichi Miyamoto,  

[Paper #]SS99-18
Rule Generation from Declarative Descriptions That Consist of "setof" Reference

Takeshi Tsuji,  Kiyoshi Akama,  Eiichi Miyamoto,  

[Paper #]SS99-19
A Method of Searching for Efficient Equivalent Transformation Rules

Hidekatsu Koike,  Kiyoshi Akama,  Eiichi Miyamoto,  

[Paper #]SS99-20
Implementation of Fault-Tolerant Parallel Branch-and-Bound Search on a Cluster of Workstations

Noritaka Kobayashi,  Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya,  Tohru Kikuno,  

[Paper #]SS99-21
Software Development based on Software Pattern Tansformation

Takashi Kobayashi,  Masahiko Kamo,  Motoshi Saeki,  

[Paper #]SS99-22
Software Maintenance Environment with Version Control File System

Tetsuo Yamamoto,  Makoto Matsushita,  Katsuro Inoue,  

[Paper #]SS99-23


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