Information and Systems-Software Science(Date:1997/03/19)



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[Paper #]
A Study of A Co-channel Interference Cancelling Demodulator Including A Carrier and PN Synchronizer

Kouichi AIHARA,  Takaaki HASEGAWA,  

[Paper #]IT96-91,ISEC96-83,SST96-98
DS/CDMA Partial Correlation Weight Coefficient Control Techniques and Applications of LMS Algorithm

Kazuya Umeka,  Shin'ichi Tachikawa,  

[Paper #]IT96-92,ISEC96-84,SST96-99
An Adaptive Receiver Using a Generalized Hebbian Algorithm for DS/CDMA Systems

Teruyuki MIYAJIMA,  Kazuo YAMANAKA,  

[Paper #]IT96-93,ISEC96-85,SST96-100
A Blind Algorithm for Linear Adaptive CDMA Receiyers

Teruyuki MIYAJIMA,  

[Paper #]IT96-94,ISEC96-86,SST96-101
A Study on Spread Spectrum Communication and Ranging System between a Roadside and a Vehicle with Interference Canceller

Masahiro TAKEDA,  Yukiko HANADA,  Ryuji KOHNO,  

[Paper #]IT96-95,ISEC96-87,SST96-102
A CDMA Synchronization System with Alternately Arranged Frames of In-phase and Orthogonal-phase Spreading Sequences

Yoshikazu Takeyasu,  Noriyoshi Kuroyanagi,  Takeo Murata,  Nobuya Matsufuji,  

[Paper #]IT96-96,ISEC96-88,SST96-103
Performance Analysis of M-ary/SSMA Unslotted ALOHA System with Channel Load Sensing Protocol

Masahiro Shibuta,  Hiromasa Habuchi,  

[Paper #]IT96-97,ISEC96-89,SST96-104
An Integration of Voice and Data in CDMA Unslotted ALOHA with Channel Load Sensing

Takeshi SATO,  Abbas SANDOUK,  Takaya YAMAZATO,  Masaaki KATAYAMA,  Akira OGAWA,  

[Paper #]IT96-98,ISEC96-90,SST96-105
Characteristics of Non-Coherent Reception of M-ary/Spread-Spectrum Signals with Carrier Frequency Offset Using Correlation Mapping

Kiyohide Fujimoto,  Shin'ichi Tachikawa,  

[Paper #]IT96-99,ISEC96-91,SST96-106
DS/SS Demodulation System Using 2N+1 Frame Length Optimum Despreading Code Sequences

Kunimitsu ARAI,  Kohei OHTAKE,  Noriyoshi KUROYANAGI,  

[Paper #]IT96-100,ISEC96-92,SST96-107
A Study on Multi-tone Combinatory Intermittent Frequency Hopping System

Shinnichi YOSHIDA,  Masakiyo IIDA,  Gen MARUBAYASHI,  

[Paper #]IT96-101,ISEC96-93,SST96-108
A Proposal of Double M-ary/SS System

Kentaro Takeuchi,  Shin'ichi Tachikawa,  

[Paper #]IT96-102,ISEC96-94,SST96-109
Error Probability of a Asynchronous CDMA System Based on Chaotic Spredding Sequences

Kazuhiko NAKAMURA,  Teruyuki MIYAJIMA,  Kazuo YAMANAKA,  

[Paper #]IT96-103,ISEC96-95,SST96-110
Synthronous CDMA Performance of Bi-orthogonal Systems Using Synchronizing Spreading Code

Takahiro HASEGAWA,  Hiromasa HABUCHI,  

[Paper #]IT96-104,ISEC96-96,SST96-111


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