Information and Systems-Software Science(Date:1995/11/17)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
A modeling and protocol for the out-channel user interaction in Intelligent Network which is applicable to the personal communication

Takeshi SUGIYAMA,  TOMOKI OMIYA,  Kazumasa TAKAMI,  Syuji ESAKI,  

[Paper #]SSE95-109
Intelligent Secretaries Telephone Handling: Modeling of Human Intellectual Conducts

Takahiro Shin,  Behrouz H Far,  Zenya Koono,  

[Paper #]SSE95-110
Large-scale mu1ti-functional shared buffer type ATM switch

Takahiko Kozaki,  Takeshi Yasuda,  Tetsuo Kanoh,  Noritaka Kosugi,  Masaaki Tanaka,  

[Paper #]SSE95-111
Evaluation of the software-based ATM exchanger using an experimental system

Yoshiaki Takabatake,  Mikio Hashimoto,  Taketosi Tsujita,  Junichi Takeda,  Yasuro Shobatake,  

[Paper #]SSE95-112
Cell Priority Control by Variable Threshold Cell Discarding

Hideki Satoh,  

[Paper #]SSE95-113
Study on Subscriber Line Interface Circuit with Suppressive Current Supply Mode

Yoshinori OIKAWA,  Takahiko KASHIHARA,  Akira ISIZAWA,  Kazuhiko AKIYAMA,  

[Paper #]SSE95-114
Packet Train Switching System and Its Performance Evaluation by Traffic Simulation

Takashi Joho,  Yasushi Hibino,  

[Paper #]SSE95-115


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