Information and Systems-Speech(Date:2004/10/21)



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Development of a Linux screen reader : Realizing an AUI/BUI Operating System

Jun ISHIKAWA,  Tomoyuki KUDOU,  

[Paper #]SP2004-57
A MSAA server implementation of the automatic braille conversion software : Problems and Improvements of the MSAA

Tomoyuki KUDOU,  Jun ISHIKAWA,  

[Paper #]SP2004-58
Conversion System from Braille-score to MusicXML for Braille-score Translation

Ryosuke ABE,  Dongxing HAN,  Toshiyuki GOTO,  Naoyoshi TAMURA,  

[Paper #]SP2004-59
Examination of Aural Hierarchical Menu in Copy Machines

Tetsuya SAKAYORI,  Tetsuya MUROI,  Junnichi TAKAMI,  Yoshinaga KATO,  Yoshifumi SAKURAMATA,  Bin LU,  Iwao SAEKI,  Akira OKAMOTO,  

[Paper #]SP2004-60
Development of Coherent Communication Aids for the Handicapped

Hideki Kasuya,  

[Paper #]SP2004-61
Proposal of WEB-Hyperlink Providing Method Using Spoken WEB Browser

Mitsuhiro MATSUNAGA,  Kumiko OHMORI,  Atsushi ENDO,  Shohei SUGAWARA,  Reiko TAKAHASHI,  

[Paper #]SP2004-62
Data Acquisition for Characteristic Analysis in JSL Dialogue

Mina TERAUCHI,  Yoshiko TOKITA,  Kouhei KIKUCHI,  Yasuo HORIUCHI,  

[Paper #]SP2004-63
A Method and Efficiency of Transforming Auditory Signals into Vibrations for Perception by Hearing-impaired people

Shuuhei ORITA,  Masahide MIZUSHIMA,  Ken'ichi FURUYA,  Yoichi HANEDA,  Akitoshi KATAOKA,  

[Paper #]SP2004-64
Articulatory-to-Acoustic Mapping Using Phoneme-Dependent Neural Networks : An Investigation on the Parameter Learning Method

Kohei WAKAMIYA,  Takuya TSUJI,  Tokihiko KABURAGI,  

[Paper #]SP2004-65
Generation of the vocal-tract spectrum using a dynamic artieulatory model

Jiji KIM,  Kohei WAKAMIYA,  Tokihiko KABURAGI,  

[Paper #]SP2004-66


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