Information and Systems-Speech(Date:2002/10/17)



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[Paper #]
Image Processing IP and Implementation on FPGA

Hideaki ISHIZU,  Mikio TAKEDA,  Yoshihiro BABA,  Makoto SANO,  Yoshinari FUJIWARA,  Masazumi HARA,  Takashi MORIE,  Atsushi IWATA,  

[Paper #]DSP2002-119
High-Speed Position Detector Using Row-Parallel Architecture for Fast Collision Prevention System

Yusuke OIKE,  Makoto IKEDA,  Kunihiro ASADA,  

[Paper #]DSP2002-120
Autonomous mobile robots' vision and a pixel selectable matching processor

Yoshiko YAMAMOTO,  Mikio TAKEDA,  Yuki WATANABE,  Atsushi IWATA,  Takashi MORIE,  Mutsumi WATANABE,  

[Paper #]DSP2002-121
An Approach for Variable Ordering for PCA-Chip2 based on the BDD Size

Takafumi YUASA,  Akihiko TOMITA,  Tomonori IZUMI,  Takao ONOYE,  Yukihiro NAKAMURA,  

[Paper #]DSP2002-122
High-Level Synthesis for Low Power VLSI Processors Based on a Genetic Algorithm

Tetsuya AOYAMA,  Masanori HARIYAMA,  Michitaka KAMEYAMA,  

[Paper #]DSP2002-123
The Design of SH Compatible Processor Using RTL description of SystemC

Masao ARAMOTO,  Yoichi YUYAMA,  Kosuke TAKAI,  Kazutoshi KOBAYASHI,  Hidetoshi ONODERA,  

[Paper #]DSP2002-124
An Application Specific Processor Development Environment : ASIP Meister

Masaharu IMAI,  Yoshinori TAKEUCHI,  Akichika Shiomi,  Jun Sato,  Akira Kitajima,  

[Paper #]DSP2002-125
Software defined reconfigurable radio technology and its demands for LSI

Hiroshi HARADA,  

[Paper #]DSP2002-126
The Flexible CDMA Serial Link Network for Robot Control

Mitsuru SHIOZAKI,  Toshimi FUJII,  Kousuke KATAYAMA,  Masahiro ONO,  Atsushi IWATA,  

[Paper #]DSP2002-127
Color Image Decomposition by the Matching pursuits and Its Application to Image Similarity Measure

Naoto KURASAWA,  Masanori SATOH,  Keinosuke YAMAOKA,  Makoto NAKASHIZUKA,  

[Paper #]DSP2002-128
A Cubic Unsharp Masking Using the Multiscale Products

Hidetoshi OKAZAKI,  Makoto NAKASHIZUKA,  

[Paper #]DSP2002-129


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