Information and Systems-Speech(Date:2001/08/23)



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[Paper #]
Word speech recognition using Mora Position and Mora Length

Takahiro SEO,  Jin'ichi MURAKAMI,  Tomohiro MAETA,  Satoru IKEHARA,  

[Paper #]SP2001-45
On the Multiple Word Recognition System by Using Source Separation Technique.

Naoyuki TAMURA,  Kazunori SUGAHARA,  Yongmei LI,  Ryosuke KONISHI,  

[Paper #]SP2001-46
A Study on Acoustical Correlates to Adjective Ratings of Speaker Characteristics

Yasuki Yamashita,  Hiroshi Matsumoto,  

[Paper #]SP2001-47
Identification of Japanese accent in continuous speech considering pitch perception

Carlos Toshinori Ishi,  Nobuaki Minematsu,  Keikichi Hirose,  

[Paper #]SP2001-48
Range of Phonemic Environmental Influence for Selection of VCV Sequences on VCV Speech Synthesis by Rule

Masaya KIMOTO,  Toshie NAMIKI,  Tadaaki SHIMIZU,  Naoki ISU,  Kazuhiro SUGATA,  

[Paper #]SP2001-49


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