Information and Systems-Speech(Date:2000/10/16)



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[Paper #]
A Realization of Biquadratic Current Transfer Functions Using Dual-Output CCIIs

Masami HIGASHIMURA,  Yutaka FUKUI,  

[Paper #]DSP2000-102,ICD2000-95,IE2000-47
A Realization of Biquadratic Current Transfer Functions Using Two CCIIs with Current Followers

Masami HIGASHIMURA,  Yutaka FUKUI,  

[Paper #]DSP2000-103,ICD2000-96,IE2000-48
Electronically Tunable OTA-C Biquadratic Circuits

Takao Tsukutani,  Masami Higashimura,  Yasuaki Sumi,  Yoshio Itoh,  Yutaka Fukui,  

[Paper #]DSP2000-104,ICD2000-97,IE2000-49
Memory Access Estimation of Filter Bank Implementation on Different DSP Architectures

Naoki MIZUTANI,  Shogo MURAMATSU,  Hisakazu KIKUCHI,  

[Paper #]DSP2000-105,ICD2000-98,IE2000-50
Partial-Scrambling of Still Images Based on JPEG2000

Katsutoshi ANDO,  Osamu WATANABE,  Hitoshi KIYA,  

[Paper #]DSP2000-106,ICD2000-99,IE2000-51
An Error Concealment Algorithm Using Motion Estimation Method for MPEG-4 Video

Haksop SONG,  Tian SONG,  Hiroyuki OKADA,  Gen FUJITA,  Takao ONOYE,  Isao SHIRAKAWA,  

[Paper #]DSP2000-107,ICD2000-100,IE2000-52
A Codec of H.263 Advanced Intra Coding mode and it's Architecture

Tian SONG,  Haksop SONG,  Gen FUJITA,  Takao ONOYE,  Isao SHIRAKAWA,  

[Paper #]DSP2000-108,ICD2000-101,IE2000-53
GA Based Multi-microprocessor Scheduling with communication delay

Morio Matsumoto,  Hideto Nishikado,  Hironori Ymauchi,  

[Paper #]DSP2000-109,ICD2000-102,IE2000-54
A Multiplexing Scheme for a Single-Chip MPEG-2 Audio, Video, and System Encoder

Yoshinori Matsuura,  Hiroshi Segawa,  Shu Murayama,  Stefan Scotzniovsky,  Eiji Ohara,  Satoshi Kumaki,  Tetsuya Matsumura,  Toyohiko Yoshida,  

[Paper #]DSP2000-110,ICD2000-103,IE2000-55
Novel VLIW Code Compaction Mehtod for a 3D Geometry Processor

Hiroaki SUZUKI,  Hiroshi MAKINO,  Yoshio MATSUDA,  

[Paper #]DSP2000-111,ICD2000-104,IE2000-56
Design of Source Voltage Controlled Oscillator(SVCO)and Phase Lock Loop Using SVCO

Tomochika Harada,  Tadayoshi Enomoto,  

[Paper #]DSP2000-112,ICD2000-105,IE2000-57
Third-Generation Digital Cellular Technology : DS-CDMA Cellular Communication Technology and System

Hirohisa Yamaguchi,  Shigenori Kinjo,  

[Paper #]DSP2000-113,ICD2000-106,IE2000-58
Wide-band CDMA Prototype System Development

Shigenori Kinjo,  Hirohisa Yamaguchi,  Toshio Nagata,  Hiroyuki Satoh,  Yoshiaki Saitoh,  Hisahi Onozawa,  

[Paper #]DSP2000-114,ICD2000-107,IE2000-59
Technology Trends in W-CDMA terminals

Motoyoshi KOMODA,  

[Paper #]DSP2000-115,ICD2000-108,IE2000-60
cdma2000 Overview and LSI Implementation

Jun Yamada,  

[Paper #]DSP2000-116,ICD2000-109,IE2000-61


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