Information and Systems-Speech(Date:2000/06/16)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
SP2000-16 Algorithms for Fast Retrieval of Music

T. Narita,  M. Sugiyama,  

[Paper #]SP2000-16
SP2000-17 Voice/Music Segmentation using Cepstrum Flux

T. Uchida,  M. Yamashita,  M. Sugiyama,  

[Paper #]SP2000-17
SP2000-18 Online Speaker Change Detection and Speaker Clustering Using VQ Distortion Measure

Kazumasa MORI,  kazumasa YAMAMOTO,  Seiichi NAKAGAWA,  

[Paper #]SP2000-18
SP2000-19 A Study on MLLR-Based Speaker Models Using for Speaker Verification

Masaharu KATOH,  Junya KANOU,  Akinori ITO,  Masaki KOHDA,  

[Paper #]SP2000-19
SP2000-20 A Study for the Effectiveness of Line Spectrum Pair on Phoneme Recognition

Daijo Ishioka,  Motoyuki Suzuki,  Shozo Makino,  

[Paper #]SP2000-20
SP2000-21 Evaluation on ATR-MATRIX speech translation system

Fumiaki Sugaya,  Toshiyuki Takezawa,  Akio Yokoo,  Seiichi Yamamoto,  

[Paper #]SP2000-21
SP2000-22 HMM Based Emotion Discrimination for Speech Dialogue System

Yuko TONE,  Akio OGIHARA,  Hiroshi SHIBATA,  

[Paper #]SP2000-22
SP2000-23 Efficient control of LVCSR search space using prosodic information with considerations on the interaction of language model

Shi-wook Lee,  Keikichi Hirose,  

[Paper #]SP2000-23
SP2000-24 Language Model Evaluation Method Based on Hamming Distance between Sentences

Takashi OTUKI,  Teruhiko OHTOMO,  

[Paper #]SP2000-24
SP2000-25 Language Modeling by an Ergodic HMM based on an N-gram

Akinori Ito,  Hideki Saito,  Masaharu Katoh,  Masaki Kohda,  

[Paper #]SP2000-25
SP2000-26 Optimization of language model weight and insertion penalty for word graph generation

Toshinori SAIIN,  Masaharu KATOH,  Akinori ITO,  Masaki KOHDA,  

[Paper #]SP2000-26


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