Information and Systems-Speech(Date:1999/07/22)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Robustness of Directional Difference Filter for Detection Error of Noise Detector

Yuuhei HASHIMOTO,  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA,  Yasuo NOMURA,  

[Paper #]DSP99-67
Convex Projection Approach to Design of Two-Channel Linear Phase FIR QMF Banks in Magnitude Product Space

Hiroshi HASEGAWA,  Isao YAMADA,  Kohichi SAKANIWA,  

[Paper #]DSP99-68
Iterative Joint Channel and Source Decoding in Mobile Multimedia Communications

Shoichiro YAMASAKI,  Atsushi ASANO,  Hirokazu TANAKA,  

[Paper #]DSP99-69
IFS Coding of Non-Homogeneous Fractal Images

Toshimizu ABIKO,  Masayuki KAWAMATA,  

[Paper #]DSP99-70
Lossless Image coding based on Data-Mapping

Osamu WATANABE,  Hitoshi KIYA,  

[Paper #]DSP99-71
Smearing-Desmering Transformation and the Application to Digital Watermark

Takuya OKAHSIA,  Kenji OHUE,  

[Paper #]DSP99-72
Implementation of pipelined RLS adaptive filters with O(N) computational complexity

Kiyoshi NISHIKAWA,  Hitoshi KIYA,  

[Paper #]DSP99-73


[Paper #]