Information and Systems-Speech(Date:1998/02/20)



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[Paper #]
On concatenation of musical sounds using a sinusoidal model

Ken-Ichi Sakakibara,  Naotoshi Osaka,  

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On the Timbre Perception of Sound Morphing using a Physical Model

Takafumi Hikichi,  Naotoshi Osaka,  

[Paper #]
Kagurame Phase-I : An Example-Based Expressive Performance Generation System

Taizan Suzuki,  Tomonori Miyamoto,  Fukashi Nishida,  Takenobu Tokunaga,  Hozumi Tanaka,  

[Paper #]
Study on Characterization of Music based on Music Score Information

M. Suzuki,  M. Sugiyama,  

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Refinement of source representations in a speech analysis-modification-synthesis method, STRAIGHT

Hideki Kawahara,  Haruhiro Katayose,  

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Differences of sound and timbre perception according to mother language

Kuniko Murase,  

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An attempt to compare vocal expressions in Japanese traditional and Western classical-style singing, using a common verse

lchiro NAKAYANA,  Fumio AMANO,  Tsutomu UEHATA,  Atsuro KAWAUCHI,  Tomiko KOJIMA,  Noriko KOBAYASHI,  Miyoko SUGITO,  Hiroyuki TAKAGl,  Masuzo YANAGIDA,  

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A Discrimination of Chinese Aspirated/Unaspirated Sounds for Speech Learning System

Jiapeng Tian,  Jouji Miwa,  

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The Efficiency of the Dual-Width Windowed Segment on Speech Recognition

Kazunori NINOMIYA,  Takashi OTSUKI,  Teruhiko OHTOMO,  

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