Information and Systems-Speech(Date:1997/03/06)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
On the training effects expressed with reaction times in psychoacoustic threshold measurements

Jiro Inoue,  Takashi Tsumura,  

[Paper #]SP96-122
An Extraction Method of the AM complex tone from Noise-added AM complex ton

Masashi Unoki,  Masato Akagi,  

[Paper #]SP96-123
Local patterns of a melody and its applications to retrieval by sensitivity words

Yasuhiro TSUJI,  Mamoru HOSHI,  Tadashi OHMORI,  

[Paper #]SP96-124
On the validity of 1/f jitter and 1/f shimmer for synthesizing vowels

Naofumi AOKI,  Tohru IFUKUBE,  

[Paper #]SP96-125
Acoustical Characteristics of Vowels of Esophageal Speech

Jinlin LU,  Tsuyoshi DOI,  Satoshi NAKAMURA,  Koyohiro SHIKANO,  

[Paper #]SP96-126


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