Information and Systems-Pattern Recognition and Media Understanding(Date:2007/02/16)



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Expression of Facial Contour by B-spline functions and facial caricaturing system

Masataka SEO,  Yen-Wei CHEN,  

[Paper #]PRMU2006-221,HIP2006-114
Automatic Facial Feature Point Detection for Face Recognition from a Single Image

Mayumi YUASA,  Tomoyuki TAKEGUCHI,  Tatsuo KOZAKAYA,  Osamu YAMAGUCHI,  

[Paper #]PRMU2006-222,HIP2006-115
Formation of the Expression Feature Map based on a Topological Characteristic of Facial Images

Masaki ISHII,  Kazuhito SATO,  Hirokazu MADOKORO,  Makoto NISHIDA,  

[Paper #]PRMU2006-223,HIP2006-116
An Analysis of Facial Expression by Taste Stimulation for Daintiness Recognition

Kunihito KATO,  YAMAMOTO Kazuhiko /,  Masahiko NONAKA,  Chinatsu KASAMATSU,  

[Paper #]PRMU2006-224,HIP2006-117
Thermal sensation measurement using biologic signal

Kanako NAKAYAMA,  Takuji SUZUKI,  

[Paper #]PRMU2006-225,HIP2006-118
The Support Technique for Integrated Services of Information Appliances Based on Cooperation and Conflict

Daisuke HOSHINO,  Kazuteru NAMBA,  Masato KITAKAMI,  Hideo ITO,  

[Paper #]PRMU2006-226,HIP2006-119
Human reading ability on semi-disclosed text in digital text distribution

Rika KANEKO,  Hideho NUMATA,  Kayo IKEDA,  Takahiko KAMAE,  Noboru SONEHARA,  

[Paper #]PRMU2006-227,HIP2006-120
Human-entrained Embodied Communication Technology


[Paper #]PRMU2006-228,HIP2006-121
Development of Face and Gaze Measurement System and Its Application to Interfaces


[Paper #]PRMU2006-229,HIP2006-122
Calibration of Boosted Cascade Classifier and Distribution-based Face Detection

Hiromasa TAKATSUKA,  Masayuki TANAKA,  Masatoshi OKUTOMI,  

[Paper #]PRMU2006-230,HIP2006-123
Robust Eye (Pupil) Detection based on Gabor filters

Kenji KUBO,  Yen-Wei CHEN,  

[Paper #]PRMU2006-231,HIP2006-124
Face authentication system for large scale database by PCA of 3D face model fitted to range scan data

Yusuke NONAKA,  Nobuhiro YAMANA,  Akito INBE,  Fumihiro MIURA,  Akinobu MAEJIMA,  Shigeo MORISHIMA,  

[Paper #]PRMU2006-232,HIP2006-125
Face Analysis for 3D Face Verification Including Natural Expression Changes

Kunihiro HASEGAWA,  Yukio SATO,  

[Paper #]PRMU2006-233,HIP2006-126
Asymptotic Efficiency of Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Face Tracking Model Identification

Xin Lu,  Kiyoshi Nishiyama,  

[Paper #]PRMU2006-234,HIP2006-127


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