Information and Systems-Pattern Recognition and Media Understanding(Date:2000/01/21)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Generating A Contour Model of Link Elements using the Hierarchical Part Decomposition Method of Articulated Body Contour and its Application to Measurement of Human Body Motion

Kengo KOARA,  Atsushi NISHIKAWA,  Fumio MIYAZAKI,  

[Paper #]PRMU99-204
A preliminary study of a posture of a spine estimation from image

Daisuke FURUKAWA,  Kensaku MORI,  Yasuhito SUENAGA,  

[Paper #]PRMU99-205
Horse Identification Method using Iris Pattern as Biometric Signatures

Masahiko SUZAKI,  Osamu YAMAKITA,  Yuji KUNO,  Hiroko AIDA,  Naoki SASAKI,  Ryo KUSUNOSE,  

[Paper #]PRMU99-206
Nearest Neighbor Face Recognition with Compensating Lighting Conditions

Nobumasa Yamamoto,  Takeshi Shakunaga,  

[Paper #]PRMU99-207
Virtual Subspace Method for Robust Face Recognition Free with Lighting Conditions

Nobumasa Yamamoto,  Kazuma Shigenari,  Takeshi Shakunaga,  

[Paper #]PRMU99-208
Tracking pedestrians in the crowd

Kyousuke Uchida,  Jun Miura,  Yoshiaki Shirai,  

[Paper #]PRMU99-209
Tracking of the human motion using the depth information Stereo Ptracker

Toshimi OKAMATSU,  Takeshi OHASHI,  Tsukasa NOMA,  Hideaki MATSUO,  Toshiaki EJIMA,  

[Paper #]PRMU99-210
A White Road Line Recognition System using the Model-Based method

Tatsuya Oike,  

[Paper #]PRMU99-211
Proposal of a New Improved Net Model for Active Net

Yoshitaka Matsuda,  Noboru Yabuki,  Dai Kataoka,  Yasuaki Sumi,  Yutaka Fukui,  Shigehiko Miki,  

[Paper #]PRMU99-212
A Study on an Automatic Stop of Computation in Active Net

Noboru Yabuki,  Yoshitaka Matsuda,  Dai Kataoka,  Yasuaki Sumi,  Yutaka Fukui,  Shigehiko Miki,  

[Paper #]PRMU99-213
Object Recognition Based on Depth Aspect Image Matching

Tomoyuki Takeguchi,  Shun'ichi Kaneko,  Tsukasa Kondo,  Satoru Igarashi,  

[Paper #]PRMU99-214
Object Recognition based on 2-D Orthogonal Expansion of Image

Takeshi Kobayashi,  Shun'ichi Kaneko,  Satoru Igarashi,  

[Paper #]PRMU99-215
Optimization of Structuring Element of Mathematical Morphology for Image Classification Using Pattern Spectrum

Shinya TAKEUCHI,  Yukiko KENMOCHI,  Kazunori KOTANI,  

[Paper #]PRMU99-216
Texture Analysis and Classification Using Structures by Tree-Structured Wavelet Transform

Yukinobu Miyamoto,  Mahdad Nouri Shirazi,  Hideki Noda,  Kuniaki Uehara,  

[Paper #]PRMU99-217

Minoru Nakai,  Toshiyuki Amagasa,  Kenji Hatano,  Masatoshi Yoshikawa,  Shunsuke Uemura,  

[Paper #]PRMU99-218


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