Information and Systems-Natural Language Understanding and Models of Communication(Date:2006/12/15)



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ICSLP 2006 Summary : Acoustic Modeling and Speech Synthesis

Heiga ZEN,  Yoshihiko NANKAKU,  Tomoki TODA,  

[Paper #]NLC2006-59,SP2006-115
Utilizing Bayesian Network and Junction Tree Decomposition for Incorporating Additional Knowledge Sources into a Statistical Acoustic Model

Sakriani SAKTI,  Konstantin MARKOV,  Satoshi NAKAMURA,  

[Paper #]NLC2006-60,SP2006-116
Cross-validation EM Algorithm for Robust Parameter Estimation


[Paper #]NLC2006-61,SP2006-117
Phoneme Recognition Based on Fisher Weight Map to Local Features

Shunsuke KATO,  Tetsuya TAKIGUCHI,  Yasuo ARIKI,  

[Paper #]NLC2006-62,SP2006-118
Combining Complementary Classifiers generated by Boosting in Feature Transformation

Ken-ichi KATO,  Tetsuji OGAWA,  Tetsunori KOBAYASHI,  

[Paper #]NLC2006-63,SP2006-119
Intelligent Transcription using Spontaneous Speech Processing

Tatsuya KAWAHARA,  

[Paper #]NLC2006-64,SP2006-120
An Investigation of Variation of Recording Systems and Cepstrum Normalization for Recognition of Lecture Speech

Shingo TOGASHI,  Norihide KITAOKA,  Seiichi NAKAGAWA,  

[Paper #]NLC2006-65,SP2006-121
Using presentation slide information for lecture speech recognition

Hiroki YAMAZAKI,  Koji IWANO,  Koichi SHINODA,  Sadaoki FURUI,  Haruo YOKOTA,  

[Paper #]NLC2006-66,SP2006-122
Speech Recognition with Out-of-Vocabulary Word Processing Using a Variable-Length Sub-Word HMM

Shinichi HOMMA,  Akio KOBAYASHI,  Kazuo ONOE,  Shoei SATO,  Toru IMAI,  Tohru TAKAGI,  

[Paper #]NLC2006-67,SP2006-123
Topic and style adaptation using vocabulary divided PLSA language model by criterion of information

Naoto KURIYAMA,  Motoyuki SUZUKI,  Akinori ITO,  Shozo MAKINO,  

[Paper #]NLC2006-68,SP2006-124
A Report on ICSLP : Language Modeling and Spoken Dialog Systems

Ryuichi NISIMURA,  Yuya AKITA,  Katsuhito SUDOH,  Takanobu OBA,  

[Paper #]NLC2006-69,SP2006-125
Efficient Language Model Construction for Spoken Dialog Systems by Web Text Selection Considering Domain and Utterance Style

Teruhisa MISU,  Tatsuya KAWAHARA,  

[Paper #]NLC2006-70,SP2006-126
Evaluation of the SOLON Speech Recognition System : 2006 Benchmark using the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese

Atsushi Nakamura,  Takanobu Oba,  Shinji Watanabe,  Kentaro Ishizuka,  Masakiyo Fujimoto,  Takaaki Hori,  Erik McDermott,  Yasuhiro Minami,  

[Paper #]NLC2006-71,SP2006-127
An Overview of Question Answering at Tokyo Institute of Technology

Edward WHITTAKER,  Sadaoki FURUI,  

[Paper #]NLC2006-72,SP2006-128


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Notice about photocopying


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