Information and Systems-Neurocomputing(Date:2023/03/13)

Estimation of in vivo brain water dynamics using a two-photon microscope with an automatic spherical aberration collection system

Aoi Gohma(Ochanomizu Univ.),  Naoya Adachi(RIKEN),  Yoshihiro Ue(RIKEN),  Kaori Higuchi(RIKEN),  Atsushi Miyawaki(RIKEN),  Hiromu Monai(Ochanomizu Univ.),  

[Paper #]NC2022-96
Identifying Issues for Implementing Evidence-Based Care Studios

Hiroaki Sakamoto(Tohoku Univ.),  Yutaka Yoshida(Tohoku Univ.),  Emi Yuda(Tohoku Univ.),  Yoshifumi Moriyama(Nagoya Kyoritsu Hospital),  

[Paper #]MBE2022-56
A study of Animal Therapy Effects using Human Physiological Indicators

Emi Yuda(Tohoku Univ.),  Yutaka Yoshida(Tohoku Univ.),  Ayako Tsumita(Juntendo Univ.),  

[Paper #]MBE2022-58
Human heart rate variability indexes shifted due to physical characteristics and environmental changes

Yukata Yoshida(Tohoku Univ.),  Emi Yuda(Tohoku Univ.),  

[Paper #]MBE2022-57
Modulation effects on in vivo neural activity induced by near-infrared ray stimulation to the mouse inferior colliculus

Hiromu Sato(Hokudai),  Takashi Tateno(Hokudai),  

[Paper #]NC2022-94
A mathematical model of competitive growth and pruning of dendritic spines in the postnatal development of neuronal receptive fields and orientation maps in the visual cortex

Shigeru Tanaka(NIT Numazu College),  Masanobu Miyashita(NIT Numazu College),  

[Paper #]NC2022-92
Channel Polarization State Prediction Using Phasor Quaternion Neural Networks in Wireless Communications

Anzhe Ye(UTokyo),  Haotian Chen(UTokyo),  Ryo Natsuaki(UTokyo),  Akira Hirose(UTokyo),  

[Paper #]NC2022-91
Analysis of EEG and heart rate variability in the Mozart effect

Misaki Hosoya(Niigata Univ.),  Junichi Hori(Niigata Univ.),  

[Paper #]MBE2022-59
Time-frequency analysis of neural response coupling between brain surface and deep regions in the rat auditory cortex

Ryosuke Goto(Hokkaido Univ.),  Takashi Tateno(Hokkaido Univ.),  Jun Nishikawa(Hokkaido Univ.),  

[Paper #]NC2022-95
Estimation of the Direct and Indirect components of optokinetic response using visual perturbation stimulus in monkey and goldfish

Miki Shuntaro(Chubu Univ.),  Kojima Yoshiko(Univ. of Washington),  Hirata Yutaka(Chubu Univ.),  

[Paper #]NC2022-97
Emotion estimation by EEG using multidimensional directed coherence and machine learning

Haruka Torii(Tokyo Denki Univ.),  Takamasa Shimada(Tokyo Denki Univ.),  Osamu Sakata(Tokyo Univ. of Science),  Tadanori Fukami(Yamagata Univ.),  

[Paper #]MBE2022-60
Evaluation of the transfer of prediction ability between two reflexive eye movements responsible for dynamic visual field stabilization.

Toshimi Yamanaka(Chubu univ.),  Yutaka Hirata(Chubu univ.),  

[Paper #]NC2022-98
Visual-cortical mapping reproduced by the self-organization algorithm

Daisuke Sano(UEC),  Shunji Satoh(UEC),  

[Paper #]NC2022-93
Effects of instruction based on imaginary task criteria on Kendo practice swing

Hayato Ogino(UEC),  Yutaka Sakaguchi(UEC),  

[Paper #]NC2022-103
A Method of Timbre Synthesis Reflecting Impression Using Conditional-VAE

Takeru Watanabe(NIT),  Susumu Kuroyanagi(NIT),  

[Paper #]NC2022-106
An extension of the Sinkhorn divergence via convex combination of the bias correction term

Kyohei Miwa(UEC),  Yu Nishiyama(UEC),  

[Paper #]NC2022-100
Postural control strategies commonly used in standing and walking

Mitsuharu Murata(Yamaguchi Univ.),  Jun Nishii(Yamaguchi Univ.),  

[Paper #]NC2022-102
Compton Scattering X-ray CT using Iterative Reconstruction Method

Ryota Nakashima(Aichi Prefectural Univ.),  Naohiro Toda(Aichi Prefectural Univ.),  

[Paper #]MBE2022-62
Accuracy Improvement of Moving Beam Stopper Method in Radiography

Ren Hamashima(Aichi Prefectural Univ.),  Naohiro Toda(Aichi Prefectural Univ.),  

[Paper #]MBE2022-61
Principle Study of the Dual-Energy Method Introducing Scattered X-rays

Takumi Nishiyama(Aichi Prefectural Univ.),  Naohiro Toda(Aichi Prefectural Univ.),  

[Paper #]MBE2022-63
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