Information and Systems-Neurocomputing(Date:2001/07/20)



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[Paper #]
Naive mean field approximation to image restoration : Statistical-mechanical approach

Hayaru Shouno,  Koji Wada,  Masato Okada,  

[Paper #]NC2001-37
Self-regulation mechanism of Temporally Asymmetric Hebbian plasticity

N Natsumoto,  M. Okada,  

[Paper #]NC2001-38
Macroscopic asymptotic property from Stuart-Landau oscillator to phase oscillator : A case of the third order Stuart-Landau equation


[Paper #]NC2001-39
Self-Organization and Scaling Characteristics of Mutually Interacting System with Threshold Function

Yoshinobu Kamitani,  Ikuo Matsuba,  

[Paper #]NC2001-40
Function of a Layer V IB Pyramidal Model Cell on Input Spike Frequency

Hidetoshi Urakubo,  Masataka Watanabe,  

[Paper #]NC2001-41
On-line Learning Methods for Gaussian Processes

Shigeyuki Oba,  Shin Ishii,  Masa-aki Sato,  

[Paper #]NC2001-42
Effective Ensemble Learning Using Pruned Self-Generating Neural Networks

Hirotaka INOUE,  Hiroyuki NARIHISA,  

[Paper #]NC2001-43
Efficient Hybrid Neural Network for Chaotic Time Series Prediction

Yoshinobu FUKUNGA,  Hirotaka INOUE,  Hiroyuki NARIHISA,  

[Paper #]NC2001-44
Learning Time Series by Complex-valued Neural Network with Short-term Memory

Junichi Shima,  Masahiro Nishida,  Shinichi Kikuchi,  Hiroaki Saito,  Masakazu Nakanishi,  

[Paper #]NC2001-45
Feature Extraction from Image Sequence of Facial Expression using Recurrent Neural Nets

Ryo FUKAYA,  Tetsuya MATSUMOTO,  Noboru OHNISHI,  

[Paper #]NC2001-46
Separation of Train Noise and Seismic Electric Signals from Telluric Current Data by ICA

Mika Koganeyama,  Hayaru Shouno,  Moyo Sugita,  Toshiyasu Nagao,  Kazuki Joe,  

[Paper #]NC2001-47
Interpretation of a Large-Scale Real Data by Static Inverse Optimization

Hong Zhang,  Masumi Ishikawa,  

[Paper #]NC2001-48


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