Information and Systems-Neurocomputing(Date:1994/02/28)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Autonomous and Adaptive Neuro-Automata

Takeo Ikai,  Shuji Yano,  Hideo Kosako,  

[Paper #]NC93-68
Realization of GSM′s,PDA′s and TM′s via Second-Order Recurrent N eural Networks

Takeo Ikai,  Hisashi Ishikura,  Hideo Kosako,  

[Paper #]NC93-69
Cell-Structure Neural Networks via Higher-Order Neurons

Takeo Ikai,  Toshihiro Kyono,  Hideo Kosako,  

[Paper #]NC93-70
On the Associative Memories by Cellular Neural Networks

Hiroshi Kawasaki,  Hiroaki Kawabata,  Yoji Takeda,  Keiji Konishi,  

[Paper #]NC93-71
Feature Extraction of Images by a Neural Network using High-order Autocorrelation Function,and its Application to Character Recognition

Yoshiaki Kanaya,  Naoki Tanaka,  Koji Kajitani,  

[Paper #]NC93-72
Basin Object Function Method New Search Technique to Attain Designed Performance

Kazuhiro Iida,  

[Paper #]NC93-73
Wavelet neural networks with self-recruitment function of hidden units

Kunikazu Kobayashi,  Toyoshi Torioka,  Nobuo Yoshida,  

[Paper #]NC93-74
Back propagation Learning Algorithm by Using Dissimilarities between Target Patterns

Kenichirou Ito,  Taiho Kanaoka,  Shingo Tomita,  

[Paper #]NC93-75
Properties of Back-Propagation Neural Network with Dynamic Control of Learning Coefficients

Hirochika Takechi,  Kenji Murakami,  

[Paper #]NC93-76
A Model that Explains Response Properties of Neurons in the Primary Visual Cortex

Yasuhiro Sagawa,  Kunihiko Fukushima,  

[Paper #]NC93-77
Improvement of Selective Attention Model

Kenji Inada,  Kunihiko Fukushima,  

[Paper #]NC93-78
Seg mentation and Recognition of Fuce Parts With Selective Attention

Shingo Ishii,  Kunihiko Fukushima,  

[Paper #]NC93-79
Face Recognition by Multi-resolution Neural Network

Masaru Tezuka,  Kunihiko Fukushima,  

[Paper #]NC93-80


[Paper #]