Information and Systems-ME and Bio Cybernetics(Date:2021/03/03)

A marking method for tungsten microelectrodes using bipolar current

Tatsuya Oikawa(TUT),  Kento Nomura(TUT),  Toshimitsu Hara(TUT),  Takeshi Kawano(TUT),  Rika Numano(TUT),  Kowa Koida(TUT),  

[Paper #]MBE2020-41
Identification of information propagation pathways in the brain that contribute to the realization of mindfulness state by the maximum-flow problem

Haruka Nakamura(Waseda Univ.),  Yoshimasa Tawatsuji(Waseda Univ.),  Tatsunori Matsui(Waseda Univ.),  Makoto Nakamura(FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.),  Koichi Kimura(FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.),  Hisanori Fujisawa(FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD.),  

[Paper #]NC2020-50
Reconstruction Accuracy of Dual-Energy X-ray Computed Tomography Introduced Scattered X-rays Measurement

Naoya Kondo(APU),  Naohiro Toda(APU),  

[Paper #]MBE2020-38
Iteractive Reconstruction for CT using Compton Scattering

Nao Kobayashi(Aichi Prefectural Univ),  Naohiro Toda(Aichi Prefectural Univ),  

[Paper #]MBE2020-39
Scattered X-ray removal in radiography with a moving beam stopper

Hiroto Akatsuka(APU),  Naohiro Toda(APU),  

[Paper #]MBE2020-40
What is the true objective of multi-task manifold modeling?

Ryo Tsuno(KIT),  Hideaki Ishibashi(KIT),  Tetsuo Furukawa(KIT),  

[Paper #]NC2020-52
Direction-selective motion detection simulation of the optic lobe using Drosophila connectome

Munehiro Hayashi(UTokyo),  Takayuki Okuda(UTokyo),  Hayato Tsunoda(UTokyo),  Tomoki Kazawa(RCAST),  Ryohei Kanzaki(RCAST),  

[Paper #]NC2020-45
The Relation Between Auditory Frequency Resolutions and Noise Intensity in Stochastic Resonance States

Kota Ohno(NIT),  Susumu Kuroyanagi(NIT),  

[Paper #]MBE2020-45
A Study on Feature Extraction of signal arrival order using unsupervised learning of the pulsed neuron model

Kaya Teramoto(NIT),  Susumu Kuroyanagi(NIT),  

[Paper #]NC2020-51
Hybrid Sparsity in Convolutional Neural Networks

Shoma Noguchi(Nihon Univ.),  Yukari Yamauchi(Nihon Univ.),  

[Paper #]NC2020-46
A method for reducing discomfort using beat tones for unpleasant sounds caused by high frequency pure tone

Naoki Suzuki(Nitech),  Kuroyanagi Susumu(Nitech),  

[Paper #]MBE2020-44
Control Costs for Brain State Transitions in Stochastic Neural Systems

Shunsuke Kamiya(The Univ. of Tokyo),  Genji Kawakita(Swarthmore Coll.),  Shuntaro Sasai(Araya Inc.),  Jun Kitazono(The Univ. of Tokyo),  Masafumi Oizumi(The Univ. of Tokyo),  

[Paper #]
Influence of vestibular neurectomy on the velocity storage mechanism predicted by the neural network model of the optokinetic response faithfully reflecting the cerebellum-brainstem connectome.

Yusuke Shinji(Chubu Univ.),  Yutaka Hirata(Chubu Univ.),  

[Paper #]NC2020-44
Visualization of CNNs using Preferred Stimulus in Receptive Fields

Genta Kobayashi(UEC),  Hayaru Shouno(UEC),  

[Paper #]NC2020-47
Network cores of the human functional connectome

Tomoya Taguchi(Univ. of Tokyo),  Jun Kitazono(Univ. of Tokyo),  Shuntaro Sasai(Araya Inc.),  Masafumi Oizumi(Univ. of Tokyo),  

[Paper #]NC2020-41
Neuronal correlation between the responses to surface and shape in monkey V4

Itsuki Machida(Univ. of Tsukuba),  Atsushi Kodama(Univ. of Tsukuba),  Ko Sakai(Univ. of Tsukuba),  

[Paper #]NC2020-42
Analysis of deep convolutional neural network texture representation using Portilla-Simoncelli statistics

Yusuke Hamano(UEC),  Hayaru Shouno(UEC),  

[Paper #]NC2020-48
Evaluation of the relationship between ability to acquire predictive optokinetic response and capacity of the velocity storage mechanism in different animal species.

Toshimi Yamanaka(Chubu Uni),  Rosendo G. Hernandeza(WUSM),  Pablo M. Blazquez(WUSM),  Yutaka Hirata(Chubu Uni),  

[Paper #]NC2020-43
Realization of Global Search and Local Search in Particle Multi-Swarm Optimization

Hiroshi Sho(Kyutech),  

[Paper #]NC2020-53
Influence of Difficulty Level Selection on Brain Activity Measurement Using NIRS during Auditory Tasks

Naoya Onozaki(Fukushima Uni.),  Ryoko Futami(Fukushima Uni.),  

[Paper #]MBE2020-43
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