Information and Systems-ME and Bio Cybernetics(Date:2011/02/28)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Waveform Shapes for Pupil Light Responses and Their Analyzing Procedure

Minoru NAKAYAMA,  Wioletta NOWAK,  Hitoshi ISHIKAWA,  Ken ASAKAWA,  Yoshiaki ICHIBE,  

[Paper #]MBE2010-103
Ca^<2+> imaging on horizontal signal propagation in the mouse primary visual cortex

Yoshinori SHIMADA,  Taishi MAKI,  Takuya SHIKI,  Tetsuya YAGI,  

[Paper #]MBE2010-104
Simulation studies on competitive interaction between excitatory and inhibitory signals in the primary visual cortical network

Keisuke TSUZAKI,  Takuya SHIKI,  Yoshinori SHIMADA,  Tetsuya YAGI,  

[Paper #]MBE2010-105
Inspections of human vision by using the photographs on a rotating propeller

Shinji Karasawa,  

[Paper #]MBE2010-106
A Feature Appeared on Bicoherence of Spontaneous EEG and Interpretation with a Model

Mitsuaki KANEHIRO,  Naohiro TODA,  

[Paper #]MBE2010-107
Simulation Study on Implementation of Cone-beam Dual-Energy CT using an Asymmetric Filter

Yoichi YAMAZAKI,  Naohiro TODA,  

[Paper #]MBE2010-108
Measurement of the Changes in Brain Activity During Rehearsal of Auditory Sequence by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

Yuichi HIOKI,  Ryoko FUTAMI,  

[Paper #]MBE2010-109
Two Dimensional Measurement of Displacement Mechanomyographic Signal

Hisao OKA,  Takumu Hattori,  Tomoki KITAWAKI,  Motoi OKAMOTO,  Noriaki ICHIHASHI,  Masaki YOSHIDA,  

[Paper #]MBE2010-110
Change of characteristics of tree-drawing test and depression scale

Toru Fujiwara,  Shuhei Miyata,  Masahiko Shinno,  

[Paper #]MBE2010-111
Signal transduction mechanisms for the regulation of ATP release during ischemia in cardiomyocytes

Satohiko KUNUGI,  Sadahiro IWABUCHI,  Daisuke MATSUYAMA,  Koichi KAWAHARA,  

[Paper #]MBE2010-112
Development of Head Phantom and Its Microwave Imaging by CP-MCT

Kenta INOTSUME,  Tsuyoshi MARUYAMA,  Michio MIYAKAWA,  

[Paper #]MBE2010-113
Evaluation of Stroke Pattern during Repetitive Manual Wheelchair Propulsion

Yosuke HONDA,  Junichi HORI,  NA Ri,  

[Paper #]MBE2010-114
Reciprocal Fluctuation in Sensory Evoked Potential for Dermal Electrical Stimulation and it's Modeling

Tomoki Minoda,  Ryoko Futami,  

[Paper #]MBE2010-115
Development of Training Support System for Athletes

Takumi SATOH,  Kazuhiro TANAKA,  Rika YOKOYAMA,  Ryoko FUTAMI,  

[Paper #]MBE2010-116
Neural dynamics underlying visually presented word processing

Sunao IWAKI,  

[Paper #]MBE2010-117
Relationship between the alpha-band EEG waves observed at frontal and occipital scalps

Kazumasa SHIGA,  Yutaka SAKAGUCHI,  

[Paper #]MBE2010-118
Consideration on Semi-Automatic Detection of Carotid Plaque Using Supersonic Echo Image and Its Stability Diagnosys Support

Arato KASAHARA,  Makoto OHKI,  Kenji KARINO,  

[Paper #]MBE2010-119
Consideration on Lung Region Extraction for Detecting Abnormal Feature in Chest X-Ray Image

Yuji IWATA,  Makoto OHKI,  Arato KASAHARA,  

[Paper #]MBE2010-120
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