Information and Systems-ME and Bio Cybernetics(Date:2003/07/06)



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[Paper #]
Fabrication and evaluation of the all transparent micro-PCR chip

Kai Sun,  Ping Cui,  Shigeki Matsuo,  Hiroshi Kido,  Hiroaki Misawa,  

[Paper #]MBE2003-40
Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging of Colloidal Gold Attached Probe DNA

Masayuki Hayashida,  Hongchun Liu,  Akira Yamaguchi,  Shigeki Matsuo,  Hiroaki Misawa,  

[Paper #]MBE2003-41
Test Phantoms for Colour Flow Imaging Systems : Test procedures to determine performance

Toshio KONDO,  Katsufumi MIZUSIGE,  Hirohide MATSUO,  

[Paper #]MBE2003-42
Development of the character recognition equipment for visually impaired persons

Seiichiro Iketani,  Masashi Yamada,  Nobuyuki Ituki,  

[Paper #]MBE2003-43
Characteristics of Form Recognition of Character Displayed with the Convexoconcave of 16 × 16 Pins by Fingertip

Junji OMI,  Nobuyuki ITSUKI,  Masashi YAMADA,  Mitsuaki DANJYO,  Koji ONISHI,  

[Paper #]MBE2003-44
Simplification of EMG Feature Extraction System Using Digital Signal Processor


[Paper #]MBE2003-45
Stochastic Medication Control of Steroid against OCV

Takashi MORIYAMA,  Makoto HORIO,  Hiroshi KASAMATSU,  Jiro MORIMOTO,  Toshiaki TABUSHI,  

[Paper #]MBE2003-46
New Measuring Method of Electrooculogram for Analysis of Battery model of the Eyeball

Yuji YAMAUCHI,  Nobuyuki ITSUKI,  Masanori KUBO,  Kayo SHINOMIYA,  

[Paper #]MBE2003-47
The Basic Study of Powered Ankle Foot Orthosis

Takashi YASUNO,  Takuya KAMANO,  Takayuki SUZUKI,  Hironobu HARADA,  

[Paper #]MBE2003-48
Measutement of Muscle Fatigue by using Biomechanical Impedance : in case of Isometric contraction with Intermittent Load

Takashi IRIE,  Hisao OKA,  

[Paper #]MBE2003-49
Differences of quantities of superoxide released from rat organs between in pathophysiological conditions and in normal conditions

Naoyuki HIMI,  Takehiro MIYASAKA,  Seiichi MOCHIZUKI,  Hiroko ASAHARA,  Fumihiko KAJIYA,  Katsuhiko TSUJIOKA,  

[Paper #]MBE2003-50
An Analysis Method for Impedance Pharyngography in Chin-Tuck Swallowing

Takao NAKAMURA,  Toshimasa KUSUHARA,  Keiko MORI,  Yoshitake YAMAMOTO,  

[Paper #]MBE2003-51
Six degree-of-freedom Analysis of Border Jaw Movement Position

Wataru KUWAJIMA,  Tetsuya FUJIMURA,  Eiichi BANDO,  

[Paper #]MBE2003-52
Medical Image Recognition by using Revised GMDH-type Neural Networks with a Feedback loop

Tadashi Kondo,  

[Paper #]MBE2003-53
Evaluatipn pf clinical trials of Computer-aided Diagnosis system for Lung Cancer Detection based on CT Images

Michito HASEGAWA,  Mitsuru KUBO,  Yoshiki KAWATA,  Noboru NIKI,  Hironobu Ohmatsu,  Ryutaro KAKINUMA,  Masahiro KANEKO,  Masahiko KUSUMOTO,  Yoshiyuki NISHIYAMA,  Kenji EGUCHI,  Noriyuki MORIYAMA,  

[Paper #]MBE2003-54
Order Entry System with Medical Institution Collaboration

Shuichi TOYODA,  Noboru NIKI,  Hiromu NISHITANI,  

[Paper #]MBE2003-55


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