Information and Systems-ME and Bio Cybernetics(Date:2001/07/07)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Development of The Tilting Implement That can be Attached in Standard-type Wheelchairs

Takashi Yoshikawa,  Kazuyuki Mihara,  Eiji Tsubouchi,  Shouichi Wada,  Shuuji Nagata,  Nobuyuki Itsuki,  

[Paper #]MBE2001-52
The new development of a high-functional bathing system

Takafumi Mihara,  Megumu Fukunaga,  Fuminori Goda,  Tosiaki Kimura,  Yoshihito Uchida,  Hiroki Okada,  Taijiro Miyake,  Takayuki Tsuji,  Shoichi Senda,  

[Paper #]MBE2001-53
Properties of Peripheral Nerve Excitation on Geometry of Figure-of-Eight Coil in Magnetic Nerve Stimulation

Osamu Hiwaki,  Hiroshi Kuwano,  

[Paper #]MBE2001-54
Effects of ELF magnetic fields on physiological functions in cultured osteoblastic cells

Yoshiko Nakano,  Keiko Hosokawa,  Hisao Yamaguchi,  Ki Ho Park,  Akira Soda,  Toshitaka Ikehara,  Mituo Kitamura,  Yohsuke Kinouchi,  Kazuo Yoshizaki,  Hiroshi Miyamoto,  

[Paper #]MBE2001-55
Effect of a Time-Varying Magnetic Field on Transient Increase in Intracellular Ca^<2+> of Cultured Adrenal Cells

R. Murato,  K.H. Park,  T. Ikehara,  H. Houchi,  Y. Kinouchi,  K. Hosokawa,  H. Yamaguchi,  K. Yoshizaki,  H. Miyamoto,  

[Paper #]MBE2001-56
Performance test of the singlet oxygen generator for a discharge pumped oxygen-iodine laser aiming the use for tissue welding

Yoshihumi Kihara,  Toshiaki Moriwaki,  Eiji Yoshitani,  Hiroo Fujii,  

[Paper #]MBE2001-57
Microheterogeneity of myocardial perfusion in isolated rabbit hearts under hypoxia -digitalradiographic study using a double molecular flow tracer-

Takahisa Asano,  Takeshi Matsumoto,  Mami Takemoto,  Hiroyuki Tachibana,  Yasuo Ogasawara,  Fumihiko Kajiya,  

[Paper #]MBE2001-58
Application of "double tracer digitalradiography" to a rat cross-circulation model

Mami TAKEMOTO,  Takeshi MATSUMOTO,  Takahisa ASANO,  Hiroyuki TACHIBANA,  Yasuo OGASAWARA,  Fumihiko KAJIYA,  

[Paper #]MBE2001-59
Analysis of Cardiac Lymphatic Dynamics In Beating Canine Hearts Using a High-speed CCD Microscope

Fumiyuki Shigeto,  Osamu Hiramatsu,  Tatsuya Kajita,  Mami Takemoto,  Yasuo Ogasawara,  Fumihiko Kajiya,  

[Paper #]MBE2001-60
Evaluation of quantitative repeatability of metabolite's measurement using clinical MR scanner

Hitoshi KUBO,  Masafumi HARADA,  

[Paper #]MBE2001-61
Medical Image Recognition by using Revised DMDH-type Neural Networks with Radial Basis Functions

Tadashi Kondo,  

[Paper #]MBE2001-62
A Study of a Fast Convergence Method with Algebraic Reconstruction Technique for Computerized Tomography

T. Enomoto,  T. Yoshinaga,  H. Kawakami,  

[Paper #]MBE2001-63
A model of the cell membrance


[Paper #]MBE2001-64
A easy study of some technologies for the control over cells


[Paper #]MBE2001-65
Cell attachment and detachment on substrate gradient-micropattern-immobilized with a thermo-responsive polymer

Hongchun Liu,  Yoshihiro Ito,  

[Paper #]MBE2001-66
Fast DNA Analysis by Microchip Electrophoresis

Yasuko Tanaka,  Yoshinobu Baba,  

[Paper #]MBE2001-67
Enhancement of Surface Plasmon Resonanse Sensing for DNA Hybridization Detection Using Au Nano-Particle

Yoichiro Hara,  Akira Yamaguchi,  Shigeki Matsuo,  Hiroaki Misawa,  

[Paper #]MBE2001-68
Development of a transparent microreactor for PCR

Kai Sun,  Akira Yamaguchi,  Yutaka Ishida,  Fumika Asari-Oi,  Shigeki Matsuo,  Hiroaki Misawa,  

[Paper #]MBE2001-69
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