Information and Systems-Knowledge-Based Software Engineering(Date:2007/11/12)



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[Paper #]
A Supporting Method of Management of Visual Requirements Description

Yuuki KANAMORI,  Atsushi OHNISHI,  

[Paper #]KBSE2007-27
A Supporting Method of Generation of Scenarios with Scenario Components

Tsubasa KAMAISHI,  Atsushi OHNISHI,  

[Paper #]KBSE2007-28
Towards Integrated Requirements Process by an Empirical Study

Shozo HORI,  Takako NAKATANI,  Keiichi Katamine,  Naoyasu UBAYASHI,  Masaaki HASHIMOTO,  

[Paper #]KBSE2007-29
Enduser-Initiative Application Development Methods with Business Knowledge : Framework, Domain Model, Service Integration

Takeshi CHUSHO,  

[Paper #]KBSE2007-30
Human Skill-based Team Building Method in Projects for Developing Embedded Products


[Paper #]KBSE2007-31
A Case Study and Discussion on a Requirement Analysis Method of Unexpected Obstacles in Embedded Software by Combining Information Flow Diagram with Analysis Matrix

Masaki TANIMOTO,  Toshiro MISE,  Yasufumi SHINYASHIKI,  Masaaki HASHIMOTO,  Takako NAKATANI,  Naoyasu UBAYASHI,  Keiichi KATAMINE,  

[Paper #]KBSE2007-32
A Maintenance Support Tool for Hard-Coded Information across Source Files

Jun MORISAKI,  Hirohisa AMAN,  

[Paper #]KBSE2007-33
Proposal of Tempological Connectives for Intuitive Human-System Interaction

Masao YOKOTA,  

[Paper #]KBSE2007-34
Modeling and Design Method of Warehouse Operation : Modeling of Receiving and Shipping Product Structure Conversion

Shintaro HASHIMOTO,  Takanori EGUTI,  Masaaki HASHIMOTO,  Isao NAGASAWA,  Chiyuki TAKIZAWA,  Masanobu UMEDA,  Keiichi KATAMINE,  

[Paper #]KBSE2007-35
Modeling and Design Method of Warehouse Operation : Design Pattern Based Method

Takanori Eguchi,  Shintaro Hashimoto,  Masaaki Hashimoto,  Isao Nagasawa,  Chiyuki Takizawa,  Masanobu Umeda,  Keiichi Katamine,  

[Paper #]KBSE2007-36
Use of traceability link in the software evolution based on a design pattern

Ryu MORITA,  Hidekazu OMOTE,  Haruhiko KAIYA,  Kenji KAIJIRI,  

[Paper #]KBSE2007-37


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Notice for Photocopying


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