Information and Systems-Knowledge-Based Software Engineering(Date:1997/01/31)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Program Design Tutor and Design knowledge for Novice Programmer

Hikofumi SUZUKI,  Rika SEKIMOTO,  Kenji KAIJIRI,  

[Paper #]KBSE96-26
A Software Remote Maintenance Framework based on an Instance-Evolution Interface and Mobile Agent Techniques

Tadashi IIJIMA,  

[Paper #]KBSE96-27
Object- Oriented Analysis Method based on Object Patterns

Shuichiro YAMAMOTO,  

[Paper #]KBSE96-28
Toward Future CASE and Future Intelligent CASE Tool

Zenya KOONO,  

[Paper #]KBSE96-29
Software Creation : An Experimental Intelligent CASE Tool

Hui Chen,  Behrouz H. Far,  Nagayasu Tsutsumi,  Zenya Koono,  

[Paper #]KBSE96-30
Concept of MEOW : Collaborative Conference Support Environment against Disaster

Shin-ichi Takata,  Yoshiyuki Yoshida,  Shuichiro Yamamoto,  

[Paper #]KBSE96-31
Modeling of MEOW : Collaborative Conference Support Environment against Disaster

Yoshiyuki Yoshida,  Yasunori Hattori,  Shin-ichi Takata,  Shuichiro Yamamoto,  

[Paper #]KBSE96-32


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