Information and Systems-Image Engineering(Date:2022/02/27)

Study of Stress Relief Service for Elderly People at Home Using Videos

Hiro Horie(Kobe Univ.),  Sinan Chen(Kobe Univ.),  Masahide Nakamura(Kobe Univ.),  Kiyoshi Yasuda(OIT),  

[Paper #]HIP2021-59
Mind-Writing by optokinetic nystagmus and pupil response

Chisato Inomata(Utsunomiya Univ.),  Mie Sato(Utsunomiya Univ.),  Kei Kanari(Utsunomiya Univ.),  

[Paper #]HIP2021-60
Image filter using bandpass filters and contrast sensitivity function

Kengo Ito(Tokyo Tech),  Suguru Saito(Tokyo Tech),  

[Paper #]HIP2021-61
Motion Estimation from Myoelectric Signals Using SVM and Its Application to Muscle Fatigue Assessment

Daiya Kibe(Kumamoto Univ),  Masahiro Migita(Kumamoto Univ),  Masashi Toda(Kumamoto Univ),  Kazuaki Kondo(Kyoto Univ),  Junichi Akita(Kanazawa Univ),  Yuichi Nakamura(Kyoto Univ),  

[Paper #]HIP2021-62

,  飯田 一博(千葉工大),  

[Paper #]HIP2021-63

,  ,  ,  ,  

[Paper #]HIP2021-64
Temporal characteristics of body position perception in older adults

Ryo Teraoka(Kumamoto Univ.),  Naoki Kuroda(Kumamoto Univ.),  Wataru Teramoto(Kumamoto Univ.),  

[Paper #]HIP2021-74
Proposal for VR sickness reduction by additional low speed optical flow

Mizuki Wakayama(Tokyo Tech),  Hironori Mitake(Tokyo Tech),  Shoichi Hasegawa(Tokyo Tech),  

[Paper #]HIP2021-76
Effects of color attributes on visual texture perception of food

Jiayun Chen(YNU),  Katsunori Okajima(YNU),  

[Paper #]HIP2021-69
Factors influencing the reversed tilt illusion and their interactions

Xiaoqian Peng(Kyushu Univ.),  Hiroyuki Ito(Kyushu Univ.),  Yukyu Araragi(Shimane Univ.),  

[Paper #]HIP2021-65
The effect of the direction of visual body position shift on body perception in VR space.

Kakeru Nakajima(Kochi Univ.Tech.),  Hiroaki Shigemasu(Kochi Univ.Tech.),  

[Paper #]HIP2021-71
Effect of visual processing of gender stereotypes on food examined by inversion effect in semantic priming

Miho Sakurai(Ritsumeikan Univ.),  Atsushi Kimura(Nihon Univ.),  Yuji Wada(Ritsumeikan Univ.),  

[Paper #]HIP2021-67
The Interaction between Depth Cues in a Reverspective Dispplay

HAN YU(Kyushu Univ.),  Hiroyuki Ito(Kyushu Univ.),  

[Paper #]HIP2021-77
Age-related changes in intentional binding induced by hand and foot actions

Yoshitka Fujii(Kumamoto Univ.),  Ryo Teraoka(Kumamoto Univ.),  Naoki Kuroda(Kumamoto Univ.),  Shinya Harada(Kumamoto Univ.),  Wataru Teramoto(Kumamoto Univ.),  

[Paper #]HIP2021-73
Effect of action ability on peripersonal space representation

Naoki Kuroda(Kumamoto Univ.),  Kaori Naruse(Kumamoto Univ.),  Wataru Teramoto(Kumamoto Univ.),  

[Paper #]HIP2021-72
Effect of individual trait in attention on emotions while viewing paintings

Yuma Sasaki(Utsunomiya Univ.),  Mie Sato(Utsunomiya Univ.),  Kei Kanari(Utsunomiya Univ.),  

[Paper #]HIP2021-68
Estimation of speech emotional intensity model using impression ratings

Megumi Kawase(Tokyo Tech),  Minoru Nakayama(Tokyo Tech),  

[Paper #]HIP2021-66
The effects of Gaussian filter on appearance and motion aftereffect to illusory rotation by global motion

Eiichi Mitsukura(AichiShukutoku Univ.),  Yasuhiro Seya(AichiShukutoku Univ.),  

[Paper #]HIP2021-75
[Invited Talk] Glossiness perception

Yuichi Sakano(NICT/Osaka Univ.),  

[Paper #]HIP2021-70