Information and Systems-Image Engineering(Date:2020/09/14)

Multisensory interaction between touch and voice in the perception of emotions

Rika Oya(TWCU),  Akihiro Tanaka(TWCU),  

[Paper #]HIP2020-24
"Ambiguousness" perceived from the Noh Mask (face) and the Behaviors (body)

Yayoi Kotani(Shinshu Univ.),  

[Paper #]HIP2020-25
The effect of facial skin texture information on facial emotion perception

Misako Kawahara(TWCU),  Ryusuke Hayashi(AIST),  Akihiro Tanaka(TWCU),  

[Paper #]HIP2020-26
Effects of emotion on time perception

Hikaru Otera(TWCU),  Akihiro Tanaka(TWCU),  

[Paper #]HIP2020-27
[Invited Talk] Hyperscanning fMRI studies to reveal neural basis of communication

Takahiko Koike(NIPS),  

[Paper #]HIP2020-28
Biological Basis of Intelligence

Kumon Tokumaru(Writer),  

[Paper #]HIP2020-29
Research on media devices to relive the undifferentiated senses of infants

Taisuke Murakami(Aichi Shukutoku Univ.),  

[Paper #]HIP2020-30
Effect of cognitive process in knowledge of food safety

Masahiko Tamura(Ritsumeikan Univ.),  Yasuhiro Inatsu(NARO),  Tomomi Nonaka(Ritsumeikan Univ.),  Kohei Matsumura(Ritsumeikan Univ.),  Tatsuya Sato(Ritsumeikan Univ.),  Masayoshi Nagai(Ritsumeikan Univ.),  Koichiro Eto(AIST),  Itsuko Horiguchi(TUS),  Shogo Amano(Ritsumeikan Univ.),  Kazuya Matsubara(Ritsumeikan Univ.),  Yuji Wada(Ritsumeikan Univ.),  

[Paper #]HIP2020-31