Information and Systems-Image Engineering(Date:2020/09/10)

Simulation on Router Network by Power Packet and Estimation of Transfer Efficiency

Kazuhiro Koto(Kyoto Univ.),  Takashi Hikihara(Kyoto Univ.),  

[Paper #]NLP2020-29
Mathematical modeling of sheep herding behavior and sheepdog guidance methods

Tatsuki Mizui(Univ. of Tsukuba),  Tohru Kawabe(Univ. of Tsukuba),  Ikkyu Aihara(Univ. of Tsukuba),  

[Paper #]NLP2020-24
Detection of planktonic prey in glass catfish in a dark room

Sena Nishio(Kyutech),  Katsumi Tateno(Kyutech),  

[Paper #]NLP2020-31
A Phase-based Synchronization Method for Multiple Piecewise Affine Oscillators

Shingo Chiku(Tokyo Univ. of Science),  Tatsuya Kai(Tokyo Univ. of Science),  

[Paper #]NLP2020-25
Model-Predictive-Type Signal Control for a Burgers' Cellular Automaton Traffic Flow Model Based on Particle Swarm Optimization with Partial Traffic Information

Munehiro Sato(Tokyo Univ. of Science),  Tatsuya Kai(Tokyo Univ. of Science),  

[Paper #]NLP2020-26
Amplitude death in complete bipartite graph network consisting of oscillators with frequency difference

Shinsuke Mizukami(Osaka Pref. Univ.),  Keiji Konishi(Osaka Pref. Univ.),  Yoshiki Sugitani(Ibaraki Univ.),  Naoyuki Hara(Osaka Pref. Univ.),  

[Paper #]NLP2020-27
Difference in suppression of epileptic discharges between beta frequency burst stimulation and theta frequency burst electrical stimulation in rat hippocampal slices

Toyohiro Sawada(KIT),  Kiyohisa Natume(KIT),  

[Paper #]NLP2020-23
Amplitude suppression of delay-coupled oscillators with grid network topology and time-varying direction of coupling

Tetsu Iwamoto(Osaka Pref. Univ.),  Keiji Konishi(Osaka Pref. Univ.),  Yoshiki Sugitani(Ibaraki Univ.),  Naoyuki Hara(Osaka Pref. Univ.),  

[Paper #]NLP2020-28
Fallback Control for Networked Drone Control Systems with False Injection Attacks

Naomi Kuze(Osaka Univ.),  Yuto Fujikawa(Osaka Univ.),  Toshimitsu Ushio(Osaka Univ.),  

[Paper #]NLP2020-30
On Investigation of Invariant Characteristics of Deterministic Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Marked Point Processes

Kazuya Sawada(TUS),  Yutaka Shimada(Saitama Univ.),  Tohru Ikeguchi(TUS),  

[Paper #]NLP2020-22