Information and Systems-Image Engineering(Date:2018/09/27)

Forward Error Correction of Linguistic Information (Digital Linguistics)

Kumon Tokumaru(Writer),  

[Paper #]LOIS2018-16,IE2018-36,EMM2018-55
Complexity Orders of Conceptual Words

Kumon Tokumaru(Writer),  

[Paper #]LOIS2018-10,IE2018-30,EMM2018-49
Smart Ambulance Approach Alarm System Using Smartphone

Toru Kobayashi(Nagasaki Univ.),  Fukuyoshi Kimura(Nagasaki Univ.),  Kenichi Arai(Nagasaki Univ.),  

[Paper #]LOIS2018-18,IE2018-38,EMM2018-57
SVM Computing Considering Dimension Reduction in the Encrypted Domain

Ayana Kawamura(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.),  Takahiro Maekawa(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.),  Yuma Kinoshita(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.),  Hitoshi Kiya(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.),  

[Paper #]LOIS2018-11,IE2018-31,EMM2018-50
[Special Talk] Coded Acquistion of Light Fields

Keita Takahashi(Nagoya Univ.),  

[Paper #]LOIS2018-15,IE2018-35,EMM2018-54
An Inverse Tone Mapping Operation Using CNN with LDR Based Learning

Yuma Kinoshita(Tokyo Metro. Univ.),  Hitoshi Kiya(Tokyo Metro. Univ.),  

[Paper #]LOIS2018-14,IE2018-34,EMM2018-53
Image Patch Modeling in Encrypted Domain using Sparse Coding

Takayuki Nakachi(NTT),  Hitoshi Kiya(Tokyo Metro. Univ.),  

[Paper #]LOIS2018-12,IE2018-32,EMM2018-51

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[Paper #]LOIS2018-13,IE2018-33,EMM2018-52
Proposal of task management tool to encourage the task to be completed earlier than the deadline

Kentaro Arai(Meiji Univ.),  Minoru Kobayashi(Meiji Univ.),  

[Paper #]LOIS2018-17,IE2018-37,EMM2018-56
A study of the potentiality to predict personality traits, BIG5, from driving behavior

Yuichi Ishikawa(KDDI Research),  Akihiro Kobayashi(KDDI Research),  Minamikawa Atsunori(KDDI Research),  

[Paper #]LOIS2018-23,IE2018-43,EMM2018-62
Personalized Advertisement Based on Customer Big Five

Akihiro Kobayashi(KDDI Research),  Yuichi Ishikawa(KDDI Research),  Minamikawa Atsunori(KDDI Research),  

[Paper #]LOIS2018-22,IE2018-42,EMM2018-61
Dynamic Estimation of Collusion Strategy for the Detection of Colluders in Fingerprinting Codes

Tatsuya Yasui(Okayama Univ.),  Minoru Kuribayashi(Okayama Univ.),  Nobuo Funabiki(Okayama Univ.),  Isao Echizen(NII),  

[Paper #]LOIS2018-19,IE2018-39,EMM2018-58
Study on speech representation for speech fingerprint using perceptual matching-pursuit algorithm

Dung Kim Tran(JAIST),  Huy Quoc Nguyen(JAIST),  Masashi Unoki(JAIST),  

[Paper #]LOIS2018-20,IE2018-40,EMM2018-59
Study on speech watermarking based on robust principal component analysis and formant manipulations

Shengbei Wang(TJPU),  Weitao Yuan(TJPU),  Jianming Wang(TJPU),  Masashi Unoki(JAIST),  

[Paper #]LOIS2018-21,IE2018-41,EMM2018-60