Information and Systems-Image Engineering(Date:2018/09/07)

Considerations of security of K(Xss)CBPKC, a post-quantum cryptosystem

Masao Kasahara(Waseda Univ.),  

[Paper #]ISEC2018-57
Extension of Easy-to-Understand Structure for Chosen-Ciphertext-Attack Security from Decisional Diffie-Hellman Assumption

Daisuke Ueda(UEC),  Bagus Santoso(UEC),  

[Paper #]ISEC2018-59
Consideration of Factorization of a Large Integer using Hensel lifting

Kuniaki Tsuji(*),  

[Paper #]ISEC2018-60
[Invited Talk] Improved Division Property Based Cube Attacks Exploiting Algebraic Properties of Superpoly (from CRYPTO2018)

Yosuke Todo(NTT),  Takanori Isobe(Univ. of Hyogo),  

[Paper #]ISEC2018-61
[Invited Talk] Fast Correlation Attack Revisited --Cryptanalysis on Full Grain-128a, Grain-128, and Grain-v1 (from CRYPTO2018)

Yosuke Todo(NTT),  Takanori Isobe(Univ. of Hyogo),  Kazumaro Aoki(NTT),  

[Paper #]ISEC2018-62
A Study of Security Problem on Telecommunications Networks

Yoshiki Kusama(Keio Univ.),  Masahiro Hayashi(Tokyo City Univ.),  Akitoshi Wada(*),  

[Paper #]ISEC2018-50
[Invited Talk] Constrained PRFs for NC1 in Traditional Groups (from CRYPTO 2018)

Nuttapong Attrapadung(AIST),  Takahiro Matsuda(AIST),  Ryo Nishimaki(NTT),  Shota Yamada(AIST),  Takashi Yamakawa(NTT),  

[Paper #]ISEC2018-63
[Invited Talk] Fast Large-Scale Honest-Majority MPC for Malicious Adversaries

Ryo Kikuchi(NTT),  

[Paper #]ISEC2018-54
New Public key attack on MH knapsak PKC

Ryuichi Sakai(OECU),  Yasuyuki Murakami(OECU),  

[Paper #]ISEC2018-58
Proposal of Commercial Use of Social Number with Special Device

Kento Iijima(Tokyo Univ. of Tech.),  Ryuya Uda(Tokyo Univ. of Tech.),  

[Paper #]ISEC2018-52
Development of Portable Automotive Security Testbed with Adaptability: PASTA

Tsuyoshi Toyama(TOYOTA-ITC),  Hisashi Oguma(TOYOTA-ITC),  Tsutomu Matsumoto(YNU),  

[Paper #]ISEC2018-51
On AND/OR Composition of the ZKBoo Protocols

Hiroaki Anada(U. Nagasaki),  

[Paper #]ISEC2018-53
[Invited Talk] Encrypt or Decrypt? To Make a Single-Key Beyond Birthday Secure Nonce-Based MAC (from CRYPTO 2018)

Kan Yasuda(NTT),  

[Paper #]ISEC2018-55
[Invited Talk] Lower Bounds on Lattice Enumeration with Extreme Pruning (from Crypto 2018)

Yoshinori Aono(NICT),  Phong Q. Nguyen(Inria/CNRS/JFLI/Tokyo Univ.),  Takenobu Seito(BoJ),  Junji Shikata(YNU),  

[Paper #]ISEC2018-56