
L2ers' acquisition of unique-to-L2 constructions through implicit learning

Panpan Yao(Queen Mary Univ. of London),  

How robust are effects of semantic and phonological prediction during language comprehension? A visual world eye-tracking study.

Aine Ito(Univ. of Oxford),  E. Matthew Husband(Univ. of Oxford),  

Effects of language production on prediction: Word vs. picture visual world study.

Aine Ito(Univ. of Oxford),  Max S. Dunn III(エディンバラ大),  Martin J. Pickering(エディンバラ大),  

Loanwords dominate equivalent native words in adaptation: A study of English loanwords and equivalent native words in Hindi

Shashikanta Tarai(NIT Raipur),  

Understanding spatial language without eye movements

Michele Burigo(Univ. of Bielefeld),  Thomas Schack(Univ. of Bielefeld),  

The Effect of Emotional State on the Processing of Morphosyntactic and Semantic Reversal Anomalies

矢野 雅貴(東北大/学振),  鈴木 裕衣(東北大),  小泉 政利(東北大),  

Context and semantic composition of multiple dimension representations in real-time comprehension

Yao-Ying Lai(Yale Univ.),  David Braze(Haskins Lab.),  Maria Pinango(Yale Univ.),  

A model of semantic linguistic composition under conditions of morphosyntactic underspecification: the case of eventive iteration construal

Maria Mercedes Pinango(Yale Univ.),  Yao-Ying Lai(Yale Univ.),  


浅原 正幸(国立国語研),  

Linguistic Generalization in Producing Past-Tense Verb Forms in L1 and L2 Japanese

中野 陽子(関西学院大),  

Establishing reference with reflexive pronouns in the course of spoken language recognition

マシューズ ジョン(中大),  平川 眞規子(中大),  武田 和恵(文教大),  福田 倫子(文教大),  梅田 真理(群馬県立女子大),  スネープ ニール(群馬県立女子大),  平川 八尋(東工大),  

Do you believe foreigners? Impact of a foreign accent on cognitive processes.

Alice Foucart(UGent),  Hernando Santamaria-Garcia(INCyT),  Rob Hartsuiker(UGent),  

Building a Database of Sentence Construction Familiarity of Japanese EFL Learners: Pilot Study

横川 博一(神戸大),  籔内 智(京都精華大),  里井 久輝(龍谷大),  坂東 美智子(滋賀大),  鳴海 智之(阪教大),  橋本 健一(兵庫教大),  濱田 真由(神戸大),  平野 亜也子(神戸大),  原田 康也(早大),  

Mora-based control for the length effect

石川 潔(法政大),  山下 燎(*),  石井 創(法政大),  

[Invited Talk] Irony and sarcasm: Comprehension and emotional impact

Ruth Filik(Univ. Nottingham),  

Syntactic patterns to the semantic processing of Chinese spatial metaphors

Tao Ma(SSU),  

Language and us

桃生 朋子(目白大/慶大),  川原 繁人(慶大),  

A visual world priming investigation of Gricean inferences

Alice Rees(Cardiff Univ.),  Lewis Bott(Cardiff Univ.),  

Inflectional Directionality in Morphological Productivity

Yohei Oseki(NYU),  Yasutada Sudo(UCL),  Hiromu Sakai(早大),  Alec Marantz(NYU),  


黄 竹佑(東大/学振),  陳 姿因(東大),  広瀬 友紀(東大),  伊藤 たかね(東大),  

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