Information and Systems-Image Engineering(Date:2017/06/01)

Restaurant-Guide Site Using Atmosphere Expressed by Abstract Characters

Masahide Yuasa(Shonan Institute of Tech.),  Kousuke Nanba(Shonan Institute of Tech.),  

[Paper #]AI2017-6
Atmosphere perception for implementation on SmartEyeglass by facial expression recognition using Emotion API

Natsumi Sakaguchi(Tokyo Polytechnic Univ.),  Daisuke Katagami(Tokyo Polytechnic Univ.),  

[Paper #]AI2017-1
Mood Creation by Multiple Personality Assistant Agent to Control Home Electronics

Kazuki Kobayashi(Shinshu Univ.),  Takahiro Yoshimura(Shinshu Univ.),  

[Paper #]AI2017-2
Analysis of Relationship between Form of Driving Support Agent and Gaze Behavior

Takahiro Tanaka(Nagoya Univ.),  Kazuhiro Fujikake(Nagoya Univ.),  Takashi Yonekawa(Nagoya Univ.),  Misako Yamagishi(Nagoya Univ.),  Makoto Inagami(Nagoya Univ.),  Fumiya Kinoshita(Nagoya Univ.),  Hirofumi Aoki(Nagoya Univ.),  Hitoshi Kanamori(Nagoya Univ.),  

[Paper #]AI2017-3
Investigation of computational relationships between tonal and chromatic mood

Hidefumi Ohmura(Tokyo Univ. of Science),  Masahide Yuasa(Shonan Institute of Technology),  Ryu Nakagawa(Nagoya City Univ.),  

[Paper #]AI2017-4
Atmosphere Conditioning by Illumination in Smart Living Room

Yoichi Yamazkai(KAIT),  Masanobu Nakamura(KAIT),  Wataru Kutsuzawa(KAIT),  Masao Isshiki(KAIT),  

[Paper #]AI2017-5