Information and Systems-Image Engineering(Date:2016/05/19)

Proposal of Multivariate Public Key CryptoSystem based on Numerous Prime Numbers and its Application to Organizational Communications

Shigeo Tsujii(Chuo-Univ.),  Ryo Fujita(Chuo-Univ.),  Masahito Gotaishi(Chuo-Univ.),  

[Paper #]ISEC2016-5
Analysis of Decreasing Squared-Sum of Gram-Schmidt Lengths for Finding Short Lattice Vectors

Masaya Yasuda(Kyushu Univ.),  Kazuhiro Yokoyama(Rikkyo Univ.),  

[Paper #]ISEC2016-7
IDS using Discrete Fourier Transform with window functions

Yusuke Tsuge(NDA),  Keisuke Iwai(NDA),  Hidema Tanaka(NDA),  Takakazu Kurokawa(NDA),  

[Paper #]ISEC2016-2
[Invited Talk] How Secure is AES Under Leakage

Andrey Bogdanov(DTU),  Takanori Isobe(Sony),  

[Paper #]ISEC2016-11
[Invited Talk] Midori: A Block Cipher for Low Energy

Subhadeep Banik(DTU),  Andrey Bogdanov(DTU),  Takanori Isobe(Sony),  Kyoji Shibutani(Sony),  Harunaga Hiwatari(Sony),  Toru Akishita(Sony),  Francesco Regazzoni(USI),  

[Paper #]ISEC2016-10
[Invited Talk] Conversion among Several Classes of Predicate Encryption and Applications to ABE with Various Compactness Tradeoffs

Nuttapong Attrapadung(AIST),  Goichiro Hanaoka(AIST),  Shota Yamada(AIST),  

[Paper #]ISEC2016-3
[Invited Talk] Refinements of the k-tree Algorithm for the Generalized Birthday Problem

Yu Sasaki(NTT),  

[Paper #]ISEC2016-12
[Invited Talk] On New Realizations of Somewhere Statistically Binding Hashing and Positional Accumulators

Tatsuaki Okamoto(NTT),  

[Paper #]ISEC2016-4
Modified method for identification of template using non-overlapping template matching test

Yuichi Takeda(KAIT),  Huzii Mituaki(Chuo Univ.),  Toshinari Kamakura(Chuo Univ.),  Norio Watanabe(Chuo Univ.),  

[Paper #]ISEC2016-1
On the Possibility of Recovering Short Generators over Ideal Lattices for Cyclotomic Fields

Shinya Okumura(Kyushu Univ.),  Masaya Yasuda(Kyushu Univ.),  Tsuyoshi Takagi(Kyushu Univ.),  

[Paper #]ISEC2016-6
Research Problems in "Instrumentation Security"

Tsutomu Matsumoto(YNU),  

[Paper #]ISEC2016-8
Instrumentation Security of a Pulse LIDAR System Against Reflected Light Masquerading

Kazuki Soma(YNU),  Daisuke Fujimoto(YNU),  Tsutomu Matsumoto(YNU),  

[Paper #]ISEC2016-9