Information and Systems-Image Engineering(Date:2015/10/13)

Design and Development of the Method Generating Business Process Diagrams

Tadashi Tanaka(Hitachi),  Hideaki Ito(Hitachi),  Yuichiro Nakagawa(Hitachi),  Ryota Mibe(Hitachi),  

[Paper #]SS2015-35,DC2015-25
A Description of Recursive Hybrid Automata by HCCS

Yuto Kawakita(Nagoya Univ.),  Yuen Shoji(Nagoya Univ.),  

[Paper #]SS2015-36,DC2015-26
Improving the greedy approach to constructing combinatorial test suites

Teru Ohashi(Osaka Univ.),  Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya(Osaka Univ.),  

[Paper #]SS2015-37,DC2015-27
The Dual System Consisting of Two Modules Which Depend on Each Other in State Recovery Phase

Aromhack Saysanasongkham(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.),  Satoshi Fukumoto(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.),  

[Paper #]SS2015-38,DC2015-28
Detection of Wormhole Attack on Wireless Sensor Network in Low Power Operation

Takashi Minohara(Takushoku Univ.),  Kyosuke Nishiyama(Takushoku Univ.),  

[Paper #]SS2015-39,DC2015-29
Towards Comprehension of Refactoring Tasks with Arbitrary-Granularity-Model Code Clone Detection

Toshihiro Kamiya(Fun),  

[Paper #]SS2015-42,DC2015-32
Proposal of the Method Generating Business Data Derivation Logic

Keishi Oshima(Hitachi),  Yui Watanabe(Hitachi),  Shuhei Nojiri(Hitachi),  Motoyasu Takabatake(Hitachi),  Ryota Mibe(Hitachi),  Hiroyasu Nishiyama(Hitachi),  

[Paper #]SS2015-41,DC2015-31
An investigation into the behavior of the novice programmers based on build histories in Software Development Practice

Naoki Kawashima(NAIST),  Kenji Fujiwara(NAIST),  Hiroshi Igaki(OIT),  Norihiro Yoshida(NU),  Hajimu Iida(NAIST),  

[Paper #]SS2015-40,DC2015-30
Memoization Refactoring based on Purity Analysis

Jiachen Yang(Osaka Univ.),  Keisuke Hotta(Osaka Univ.),  Yoshiki Higo(Osaka Univ.),  Shinji Kusumoto(Osaka Univ.),  

[Paper #]SS2015-43,DC2015-33