Information and Systems-Image Engineering(Date:2010/11/25)



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QoE Assessment in Chorus with Voice and Video among Multi-Points

Yuji MIYASHITA,  Yutaka ISHIBASHI,  Norishige FUKUSHIMA,  Shinji SUGAWARA,  Kostas E. PSANNIS,  

[Paper #]CS2010-51,IE2010-90
QoE/QoS Assessment of IEEE 802.11 Audio-Video IP Transmission with a QoE-Based Video Output Scheme

Toshiro NUNOME,  Shuji TASAKA,  

[Paper #]CS2010-52,IE2010-91
Free-viewpoint Image Generation using Moving Object Extraction

Kazuma SUZUKI,  Norishige FUKUSHIMA,  Tomohiro YENDO,  TEHRANI Mehrdad PANAHPOUR,  Toshiaki FUJII,  Masayuki TANIMOTO,  

[Paper #]CS2010-53,IE2010-92
A Study of a CSMA/CA Access Method Using Code-Division Cell Systems

Daisuke IKEBUCHI,  Satoru AIKAWA,  

[Paper #]CS2010-54,IE2010-93
A Study of Wireless-LAN-Based Weighted-Localization Using Precision of Distance Estimation by Each Terminal

Junji ISHIKURA,  Satoru AIKAWA,  

[Paper #]CS2010-55,IE2010-94
A Study of Limiting the Number of Communicated Vehicles in Vehicle-Group using Transmission Power Control

Kazumasa NOMURA,  Satoru AIKWA,  

[Paper #]CS2010-56,IE2010-95
Optical Stereographic Picture Display Method of Image Reconstruction for 3 Dimensional TV

Yasumitsu MIYAZAKI,  

[Paper #]CS2010-57,IE2010-96
Free-viewpoint Image Generation for Static Scene by SfM

Kota TAKEUCHI,  Norishige FUKUSHIMA,  Tomohiro YENDO,  TEHRANI Mehrdad PANAHPOUR,  Toshiaki FUJII,  Masayuki TANIMOTO,  

[Paper #]CS2010-58,IE2010-97
Realizing the Ultimate Visual Communication

Masayuki TANIMOTO,  

[Paper #]CS2010-59,IE2010-98
Study of a Temporal Modified-RANSAC Based Method for the Extraction and 3D Shape Reconstruction of Moving Objects from Dynamic Stereo Images and for Estimating the Camera Pose

Naotomo Tatematsu,  Jun Ohya,  

[Paper #]CS2010-60,IE2010-99
A Study on Error Concealment for Scalable Video Coding

Kazuya HAYASE,  Hiroshi FUJII,  Hirohisa JOZAWA,  

[Paper #]CS2010-61,IE2010-100
A Parallelization Method for Multi-view Stereo Using PC Cluster

Naoki SEKIGUCHI,  Masaru FUKUSHI,  Toru ABE,  

[Paper #]CS2010-62,IE2010-101
Compressive Imaging based on Color Distribution of Natural Images

Taro IMAGAWA,  Takeo AZUMA,  Sanzo UGAWA,  Yusuke OKADA,  

[Paper #]CS2010-63,IE2010-102
Visual Odometry based on De-correlation of Color Components of Video

Yasuaki FUKUTANI,  Katsuya AIHARA,  Masahiro IWAHASHI,  

[Paper #]CS2010-64,IE2010-103


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