Information and Systems-Enriched Multimedia(Date:2015/05/21)

New Classes of Public Key Cryptosystems Constructed Based on Cyclic Codes, K(XV)SE(1)PKC and K(XVI)SE(1)PKC

Masao Kasahara(Waseda Univ./Chuo Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2015-4,EMM2015-4
Design and Evaluation of LDPC Code Decoder Using Generalized BP Algorithm

Akiyoshi Hashimoto(Hitachi),  Harumi Morino(Hitachi),  

[Paper #]IT2015-5,EMM2015-5
Generating Protected Eigenface Templates Using an Unitary Transformaion

Ibuki Nakamura(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.),  Yoshihide Tonomura(NTT),  Hitoshi Kiya(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2015-7,EMM2015-7
A Note on Correlation Properties of Periodic Sequences over Extension Fields from a Cyclic Difference Set

Takayasu Kaida(Kinki Univ.),  Junru Zheng(Kyushu Women's Univ.),  Keiichi Takahashi(Kinki Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2015-6,EMM2015-6
Readout of copyright information hidden in objects fabricated with 3-D printers

Piyarat Silapasuphakornwong(Kanagawa Inst. Tech.),  Masahiro Suzuki(Kanagawa Inst. Tech.),  Kazutake Uehira(Kanagawa Inst. Tech.),  Youichi Takashima(NTT),  Hiroshi Unno(Kanagawa Inst. Tech.),  

[Paper #]IT2015-8,EMM2015-8
On a Lower Bound on the Capacity of Digital Fingerprinting Codes with Codewords Generated by Using a Continuous Distribution

Hiroki Koga(U. Tsukuba),  Kaoru Itabashi(U. Tsukuba),  

[Paper #]IT2015-1,EMM2015-1
Feasible regions of symmetric capacity and Gallager's $E_{0}$ functions for discrete memoryless channels under a uniform input distribution

Yuta Sakai(Univ. of Fukui),  Ken-ichi Iwata(Univ. of Fukui),  

[Paper #]IT2015-2,EMM2015-2
A study on speaker conversion using speech and expression features for video chatting

Yuuki Saito(Tohoku Univ.),  Takashi Nose(Tohoku Univ.),  Takahiro Shinozaki(Tokyo Institute of Technology),  Akinori Ito(Tohoku Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2015-9,EMM2015-9
Data Anonymization for Information Recommendation Based on TF-IDF Method

Kensuke Arai(Osaka Univ.),  Kazuhiro Kono(Kansai Univ.),  Noboru Babaguchi(Osaka Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2015-10,EMM2015-10
Analysis on Reliability Function and Strong Converse of Discrete Memoryless Biometrical Identification Systems

Yachongka Vamoua(Univ. of Electro-Comm.),  Hideki Yagi(Univ. of Electro-Comm.),  

[Paper #]IT2015-3,EMM2015-3
On the Computational Complexity of Information Flow Problem with Hierarchy Constraint

Yuki Takeda(NAIST),  Yuichi Kaji(NAIST),  Minoru Ito(NAIST),  

[Paper #]IT2015-11,EMM2015-11
[Invited Talk] Complete Complementary Codes and Its Applications

Tetsuya Kojima(NIT, Tokyo College),  

[Paper #]IT2015-16,EMM2015-16
Robust Audio Watermarking Based on Dynamic Phase Coding and Error Control Coding

Ngo Nhut Minh(JAIST),  Brian M. Kurkoski(JAIST),  Masashi Unoki(JAIST),  

[Paper #]IT2015-15,EMM2015-15
Evaluation of Symmetric Mutual Information of Simplified TDMR Channel Model

Tadashi Wadayama(Nitech),  

[Paper #]IT2015-12,EMM2015-12
An Audio Secret Sharing Scheme Easy to Reproduce Secret Physically

Yuuki Tokushige(UEC),  Yuto Misawa(UEC),  Fumiaki Yoshida(UEC),  Masaya Uwatoko(UEC),  Mitsugu Iwamoto(UEC),  Kazuo Ohta(UEC),  

[Paper #]IT2015-14,EMM2015-14
[Invited Talk] Trade-off between resiliency and efficiency of cryptographic protocols

Maki Yoshida(NICT),  

[Paper #]IT2015-13,EMM2015-13