Information and Systems-Computer Systems(Date:1998/02/25)



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Adaptive hardware devices for real world applications : towards hardware adaptation in real-time

Tetsuya Higuchi,  Masaya Iwata,  Keymeulen Didier,  Hidenori Sakanashi,  Isamu Kajitani,  Masahiro Murakawa,  Shogo Nakaya,  Tsukasa Yamauchi,  Takeshi Inuo,  Nobuki Kajihara,  

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RTAS'97 Report

hiromitsu Shimakawa,  

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A Report on 3rd IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems(ICECCS'97)

Yoshinori YAMAGUCHI,  Yoshiaki KAKUDA,  Tadashi AE,  

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Report on Fourth International Workshop on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications(RTCSA'97)

Kenji TODA,  Eiichi TAKAHASHI,  Yoshinori YAMAGUCHI,  

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On 18th IEEE Real-Time Systems Simposium(RTSS'97)

Hidenori Nakazato,  Hiroaki Takada,  

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Dynamic QOS Control and Resource Reservation

Tatsuo Nakajima,  

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Middleware for Distributed Real-time Systems(MidART)on FastEthernet

Ichiro MIZUNUMA,  Satoshi HORIIKE,  Morikazu TAKEGAKI,  

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A Real-Time Operating System that can Share Device Drivers with General Purpose OS

Youichi Ishiwata,  Toshihiro Matsui,  

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Introduction of migratable global task on function-distributed multiprocessor real-time system

Tsutomu Nabeta,  Yuuichi Oohata,  Tomo Ishikawa,  Hiroaki Takada,  

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Studies on the Schedulability Analysis of Task Sets with I/O Blockings

Hiroaki Takada,  

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A Symmetrically Initiated Scheduling Scheme for Distributed Imprecise Computations

Rusdiutomo Amien,  Naohito Sato,  Noritaka Osawa,  Toshitsugu Yuba,  

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