Information and Systems-Theoretical Foundations of Computing(Date:2016/10/21)

Random Popular Matchings with Incomplete Preference Lists

Suthee Ruangwises(Tokyo Tech.),  Toshiya Itoh(Tokyo Tech.),  

[Paper #]COMP2016-23
On label size maximization for rotating maps

Yusuke Yokosuka(Chuo Univ.),  Keiko Imai(Chuo Univ.),  

[Paper #]COMP2016-30
A faster parameterized algorithm for Pseudoforest Deletion

Hans Bodlaender(Utrecht Univ.),  Hirotaka Ono(Kyushu Univ.),  Yota Otachi(JAIST),  

[Paper #]COMP2016-25
Further Algebraic Algorithms in the Congested Clique Model and Applications to Graph-Theoretic Problems

Francois Le Gall(Kyoto Univ.),  

[Paper #]COMP2016-24
A Research of the Number of the Convex Configurations of Silhouette Puzzles

Hitoshi Iwai(JAIST),  Jungo Shibuya(JAIST),  Ryuhei Uehara(JAIST),  

[Paper #]COMP2016-29
An Exact Algorithm for the Satisfiability of Depth-2 SYM-AND Circuits.

Kazuhisa Seto(Seikei Univ.),  Suguru Tamaki(Kyoto Univ.),  Junichi Teruyama(NII),  

[Paper #]COMP2016-27
On lower bounds for the complexity of the Frobenius problem and its subproblems

Shunichi Matsubara(Aoyama Gakuin Univ.),  

[Paper #]COMP2016-28
Physical Bucket Sort with Two Kinds of Items

Atsuki Nagao(UEC),  Shuhei Yoshizawa(UEC),  Hiro Ito(UEC),  

[Paper #]COMP2016-26