Information and Systems-Theoretical Foundations of Computing(Date:2004/01/22)



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[Paper #]
Variants of the Graph Connecting Problem and Their Computational Complexity

Taishi NISHIDA,  Etsuro MORIYA,  

[Paper #]COMP2003-69
Learning AC^0 Boolean Functions on Attribute and Label Noise

Akinobu MIYATA,  Jun TARUI,  Etsuji TOMITA,  

[Paper #]COMP2003-70
Approximate Point Pattern Matching towards Musical Sequence Search

Tomoaki SUGA,  Shinichi SHIMOZONO,  

[Paper #]COMP2003-71
A Space-Economical Approximation Algorithm for Grammar-Based Compression

Hiroshi SAKAMOTO,  

[Paper #]COMP2003-72
Linear Time Algorithm for Text Compression by Longest-First Substitution

Shunsuke INENAGA,  Takashi FUNAMOTO,  Masayuki TAKEDA,  Ayumi SHINOHARA,  

[Paper #]COMP2003-73


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On the Generative Power of Grammars for RNA Secondary Structure

Yuki KATO,  Hiroyuki SEKI,  Tadao KASAMI,  

[Paper #]COMP2003-75
Profile Alignment with Constraints

Tatsuya AKUTSU,  Morihiro HAYASHIDA,  Etsuji TOMITA,  Jun'ichi SUZUKI,  Katsuhisa HORIMOTO,  

[Paper #]COMP2003-76
An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Mismatch Tolerance of Substrings

Takeaki UNO,  

[Paper #]COMP2003-77
VLDC Pattern Matching Algorithm with Arrowing Errors

Takuya KIDA,  

[Paper #]COMP2003-78
Formulation of Template Discovery Problem and an Algorithm using Substring Amplification

Daisuke IKEDA,  Yasuhiro YAMADA,  Sachio HIROKAWA,  

[Paper #]COMP2003-79
Efficiently Mining Frequent Substructures from Large Unordered Trees

Tatsuya ASAI,  ARIMURA Hiroki /,  Takeaki UNO,  Shin-ichi NAKANO,  

[Paper #]COMP2003-80


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