Information and Systems-Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge-Based Processing(Date:2003/07/24)



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[Paper #]
An Application of Self-Organizing Nural Networks to Module Placement for Gate Array

Noritaka SHIGEl,  Hiromi MIYAJIMA,  

[Paper #]AI2003-10
Acquisition of a State Transition Graphs using Genetic Network Programming Techniques

Hiroaki UEDA,  Noriyuki IWANE,  Kenichi TAKAHASHI,  Tetsuhiro MIYAHARA,  

[Paper #]AI2003-11
On a computation of max frequent set by dualization

Ken SATOH,  Takeaki UNO,  

[Paper #]AI2003-12
Enumerating Closed Item Sets via Maximal Bipartite Cliques

Takeaki UNO,  Hiroki ARIMURA,  Tatsuya ASAI,  

[Paper #]AI2003-13
On the Real-Time Coalition Formation Support Algorithm for the Electronic Group Buying

Masaki HYODO,  Tokuro MATSUO,  Takayuki ITO,  Susumu KUNIFUJI,  

[Paper #]AI2003-14
Efficiently Mining Frequent Substructures from Large Unordered Trees

Tatsuya ASI,  Hiroki ARIMURA,  Takeaki UNO,  Shin-ichi NAKANO,  

[Paper #]AI2003-15
Discovery of Web Communities from Positive and Negative Examples

Tsuyoshi MURATA,  

[Paper #]AI2003-16
An Automated Synthesis System of HTML Wrappers, Which Can Easly Be Used by Anyone

Ken MITSUl,  Koji IWANUMA,  Hidetomo NABESHIMA,  

[Paper #]AI2003-17
Agent-based Web Pages Classify Model A Experimental Report Part 1

Hirokazu ARATANl,  Shigeru FUJITA,  Kenji SUGAWARA,  

[Paper #]AI2003-18


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