Human Communication Group-Human Information Processing(Date:1999/07/15)



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[Paper #]
Visual field anisotropy for orienting of sustained attention in a dual-task setting

Yuichi WADA,  Takayoshi KATO,  

[Paper #]HIP99-8
Supraliminal Temporal Summation in the Visual System

Takayuki Takiura,  

[Paper #]HIP99-9
A feature-segmentation model of short-term visual memory

Koji SAKAI,  Toshio INUI,  

[Paper #]HIP99-10
Investigation of the role of the dorsal visual pathway in object recognition by fMRI

Takeshi Sugio,  Toshio Inui,  Kayako Matsuo,  Masako Matsuzawa,  Toshiharu Nakai,  

[Paper #]HIP99-11
Energy-Based Model's Conditions Necessary for Reproducing Fourier Motion Detection Mechanism's Responses

Toshikazu Matsui,  

[Paper #]HIP99-12
The visual detection of expansion and contraction

Wataru Teramoto,  Shin'ichi Kita,  

[Paper #]HIP99-13
Depth/motion trade-off in surface recovered from expansion/contraction yoked to forward/backward head movements

Kenzo SAKURAI,  Hiroshi ONO,  

[Paper #]HIP99-14
Experimental Analysis of Surface Reconstruction from Motion Parallax, Part II

Takefumi HAYASHI,  Satoshi FUKAYA,  Toshio INUI,  

[Paper #]HIP99-15
Induced Effects to the Body Sway by Synchronous Presentation of a Visual Wide-Field Stimulus and an Auditory Stimulus

Toshihiro SIMIZU,  Sumio YANO,  

[Paper #]HIP99-16
Reexaminatiort of Auditory Attention in 2IFC Intensity Discrimination

Takashi KUSANO,  Satoshi FUTAKUCHI,  Shuji MORI,  

[Paper #]HIP99-17
Mechanism of Auditory Attention for Intensity Discrimination

Shuji Mori,  Satoshi Futakuchi,  

[Paper #]HIP99-18


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