Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Wideband System(Date:2023/03/14)

[Invited Talk] Information-Theoretic Analyses for Two Problems Taking Security into Consideration

Shota Saito(Gunma Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2022-71,ISEC2022-50,WBS2022-68,RCC2022-68
Exponential Strong Converse for Source Coding with Encoded Side Information

Daisuke Takeuchi(TUAT),  Shun Watanabe(TUAT),  

[Paper #]IT2022-100,ISEC2022-79,WBS2022-97,RCC2022-97
Analysis of (U,U+V)-code Problems with Gramians over Binary and Ternary Fields

Ichiro Iwata(Tokyo Tech),  Yusuke Yoshida(Tokyo Tech),  Keisuke Tanaka(Tokyo Tech),  

[Paper #]IT2022-78,ISEC2022-57,WBS2022-75,RCC2022-75
Security Analysis for Ring-LWE Problem the Maximal Real and Complex Subfields in Cyclotomic Field

Satoshi Uesugi(Osaka Univ),  Shinya Okumura(Osaka Univ),  Miyaji Atsuko(Osaka Univ),  

[Paper #]IT2022-75,ISEC2022-54,WBS2022-72,RCC2022-72
Identity-based Matchmaking Encryption Secure against the KGC

Sohto Chiku(YNU),  Keisuke Hara(AIST/YNU),  Junji Shikata(YNU),  

[Paper #]IT2022-96,ISEC2022-75,WBS2022-93,RCC2022-93
A Study on Secure Coded Communications Using Discrete Fourier Transform over Finite Fields

Shoichiro Yamasaki(Hiroshima City Univ),  Tomoko K. Matsushima(Yokohama College of Commerce),  Hirokazu Tanaka(Hiroshima City Univ),  

[Paper #]IT2022-79,ISEC2022-58,WBS2022-76,RCC2022-76
Improvement of the meteor burst channel model and comparison with results of the experiment in Indonesia

Hiroto Iwasaki(Shizuoka Univ.),  Kaiji Mukumoto(Shizuoka Univ.),  Tadahiro Wada(Shizuoka Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2022-68,ISEC2022-47,WBS2022-65,RCC2022-65
Enhancing physical-layer security by 4PPM space division multiplexing for smartphone screen to camera uplink communication

Alisa Kawade(Meijo Univ.),  Wataru Chujo(Meijo Univ.),  Kentaro Kobayashi(Meijo Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2022-86,ISEC2022-65,WBS2022-83,RCC2022-83
GPS and QZSS spoofing signal generation

Yuta Kawasaki(Kagawa Univ.),  ishii koji(Kagawa Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2022-82,ISEC2022-61,WBS2022-79,RCC2022-79
Construction of Grammar-Based Codes Using the LZ78 Code and Its Variants

Mitsuharu Arimura(Shonan Inst. Tech.),  

[Paper #]IT2022-103,ISEC2022-82,WBS2022-100,RCC2022-100
Safety Analysis for The Post-quantum Module-LWE Problem on Subfield in Cyclotomic Field

Kosuke Tamura(OU),  Atsuko Miyaji(OU),  Shinya Okumura(OU),  

[Paper #]IT2022-76,ISEC2022-55,WBS2022-73,RCC2022-73
Multi-Authority Attribute Based Signatures from Lattice

Yuto Kaneko(Yokohama National Univ.),  Toi Tomita(Yokohama National Univ.),  Junji Shikata(Yokohama National Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2022-89,ISEC2022-68,WBS2022-86,RCC2022-86
An information-spectrum approach to entanglement purification and distillation

Motoki Achiwa(UEC),  Tomohiro Ogawa(UEC),  

[Paper #]IT2022-80,ISEC2022-59,WBS2022-77,RCC2022-77
Attribute-based encryption with keyword search

Kotaro Amemiya(Yokohama National Univ.),  Toi Tomita(Yokohama National Univ.),  Junji Shikata(Yokohama National Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2022-94,ISEC2022-73,WBS2022-91,RCC2022-91
Diversification of Personal Records using GAN

Chengxi Jiang(Kanagawa Univ.),  Tiancheng Wang(Kanagawa Univ.),  Hikaru Morita(Kanagawa Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2022-99,ISEC2022-78,WBS2022-96,RCC2022-96
Proposal of operation oplus on positive rational numbers compatible with the 2nd-Me scalar multiplication

Masaaki Shirase(FUN),  

[Paper #]IT2022-72,ISEC2022-51,WBS2022-69,RCC2022-69
FPGA implementation of PQC Signature Algorithm QR-UOV using High Level Synthesis

Kimihiro Yamakoshi(NTT),  Tsunekaze Saito(NTT),  

[Paper #]IT2022-92,ISEC2022-71,WBS2022-89,RCC2022-89
Secure communication based on high precision space-time synchronization

Kouki Yonaga(NICT),  Nobuyasu Shiga(NICT),  Satoshi Yasuda(NICT),  Kenichi Takizawa(NICT),  Maki Yoshida(NICT),  

[Paper #]IT2022-83,ISEC2022-62,WBS2022-80,RCC2022-80
Signature scheme based on OSIDH

Kohtaroh Aoyagi(TUT),  Hiroki Minamide(NITTC),  Koutarou Suzuki(TUT),  

[Paper #]IT2022-90,ISEC2022-69,WBS2022-87,RCC2022-87
Full key recovery of RSA secret key from noisy binary GCD operation sequences

Kenta Tani(Univ. of Tsukuba),  Noboru Kunihiro(Univ. of Tsukuba),  

[Paper #]IT2022-74,ISEC2022-53,WBS2022-71,RCC2022-71
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