Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Wideband System(Date:2020/03/10)

Research on DNS tunnel detection by machine learning using appearance characters

Tetsuya Asakura(OUJ),  Takeo Tatsumi(OUJ),  

[Paper #]IT2019-103,ISEC2019-99,WBS2019-52
Security of K(+)MVPKC Based on Message-Dependent Transformation

Masao Kasahara(Waseda Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2019-95,ISEC2019-91,WBS2019-44
Encoding Algorithm for Run Length-Limited Single Insertion/Deletion Correcting Code

Reona Takemoto(Yamaguchi Univ.),  Takayuki Nozaki(Yamaguchi Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2019-105,ISEC2019-101,WBS2019-54
Construction of Efficient Decodable Sequence-Subset Codes Based on Constant Weight Codes

Tomokazu Emoto(Yamaguchi Univ.),  Takayuki Nozaki(Yamaguchi Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2019-106,ISEC2019-102,WBS2019-55
Effectiveness of Image Steganography using Coding with Cost Function

Ryo Nakazawa(TUAT),  Shun Watanabe(TUAT),  

[Paper #]IT2019-100,ISEC2019-96,WBS2019-49
(2,3)-Threshold Extended Visual Secret Sharing Schemes for QR Code

Naoya Okawa(Nihon Univ.),  Kouya Tochikubo(Nihon Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2019-102,ISEC2019-98,WBS2019-51
[Invited Talk] Development of Path Shadowing Number Model and Prediction of Transmission Capacity in a 5G's Small Cell

Tokio Taga(Kwansei Gakuin Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2019-98,ISEC2019-94,WBS2019-47
Consideration on Kleptographic Attack on Cryptocurrency Monero

Sho Minami(Tsukuba Univ.),  Takashi Nishide(Tsukuba Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2019-91,ISEC2019-87,WBS2019-40
A Study of Randomized Authentication in Opportunistic Networks

Kai Wang(TMU),  Kazuya Sakai(TMU),  

[Paper #]IT2019-94,ISEC2019-90,WBS2019-43
An Improved Learning Method for Weighted-BP using MAP-based Training Data Filtering

Ryota Yoshizawa(Kioxia),  Kenichiro Furuta(Kioxia),  Yuma Yoshinaga(Kioxia),  Osamu Torii(Kioxia),  Tomoya Kodama(Kioxia),  

[Paper #]IT2019-101,ISEC2019-97,WBS2019-50
A Statistical Decision-Theoretic Approach for Measuring Privacy Risk in Information Disclosure Problem

Alisa Miyashita(Waseda Univ.),  Akira Kamatsuka(Waseda Univ.),  Takahiro Yoshida(Yokohama College of Commerce),  Toshiyasu Matsushima(Waseda Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2019-104,ISEC2019-100,WBS2019-53
Delegatable zero-knowledge proof systems with NIZap

Naoya Shiratori(Chiba Univ.),  Mitsuru Tada(Chiba Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2019-92,ISEC2019-88,WBS2019-41
A lattice aggregate signature scheme without trapdoor

Koji Oi(Chiba Univ.),  Mitsuru Tada(Chiba Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2019-93,ISEC2019-89,WBS2019-42
Efficient modular inversion by reducing Division Step

Masaya Ikeda(Osaka Univ.),  Atsuko Miyaji(Osaka Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2019-96,ISEC2019-92,WBS2019-45
Improved Threshold Signature with Anonymity

Takuya Inomoto(Osaka Univ.),  Atsuko Miyaji(Osaka Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2019-97,ISEC2019-93,WBS2019-46
How can blockchain technology contribute to the SDGs?

Mitsuyoshi Imamura(Tsukuba Univ.),  Kazumasa Omote(Tsukuba Univ./NICT),  

[Paper #]IT2019-90,ISEC2019-86,WBS2019-39
Coding Theorems on the Simple Capacity for Digital Fingerprinting Codes

Hiroki Koga(Univ. Tsukuba),  

[Paper #]IT2019-107,ISEC2019-103,WBS2019-56
[Invited Talk] IMHO: connecting information theory to cybersecurity

Masakatsu Morii(Kobe Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2019-99,ISEC2019-95,WBS2019-48
A fundamental study on identification of various drones using ultra-wideband radar

Takumi Mizushima(NDA),  Ryohei Nakamura(NDA),  Hisaya Hadama(NDA),  

[Paper #]IT2019-115,ISEC2019-111,WBS2019-64
An optical CDMA scheme combining modified prime sequence codes and bi-orthogonal codes

Kyohei Ono(Polytechnic Univ.),  Shoichiro Yamasaki(Polytechnic Univ.),  Tomoko K. Matsushima(Polytechnic Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2019-116,ISEC2019-112,WBS2019-65
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