Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Wideband System(Date:2008/07/18)



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[Paper #]
High Resolution DOA Estimation Using Unwrapped Phase Information of MUSIC-based Noise Subspace

Koichi ICHIGE,  Hiroyuki ARAI,  

[Paper #]SIP2008-77,WBS2008-15
Antenna Selection for Single Carrier Cyclic Prefixed Transmission

Shuichi OHNO,  Emmanuel MANASSEH,  

[Paper #]SIP2008-78,WBS2008-16
A channel estimator for MIMO-OFDM systems based on the singular-value truncation

Shigenori KINJO,  

[Paper #]SIP2008-79,WBS2008-17
On the impact of Tx IQ Imbalance on OFDMA and SC-FDMA receivers

Yuki YOSHIDA,  Kazunori HAYASHI,  Hideaki SAKAI,  

[Paper #]SIP2008-80,WBS2008-18
Spetrum Sharing Techniques for Ultra Wideband Radio

Kohei OHNO,  

[Paper #]SIP2008-81,WBS2008-19
Ultrasonic Radar Network for Parking Assistance using Short-range Targets Detection system

Hiroyuki HATANO,  

[Paper #]SIP2008-82,WBS2008-20
A Study on Adaptive Frame Length Control based on Fading correlation for SC-FDE Systems

Ryouhei KANEKO,  Fumiaki MAEHARA,  

[Paper #]SIP2008-83,WBS2008-21
Statistical-Mechanics-Based Approach to Joint Channel Estimation and Multiuser Detection in DS-CDMA Channels

Keigo TAKEUCHI,  Mikko VEHKAPERA,  Toshiyuki TANAKA,  Ralf R. MULLER,  

[Paper #]SIP2008-84,WBS2008-22
Characteristics of Power-Line Channels on the 440V Line of Container ships

JUN NISHIOKA,  Shinji TSUZUKI,  Michinori YOSHIDA,  Hiroyuki KAWASAKI,  Terushi SHINPO,  Yoshio YAMADA,  

[Paper #]SIP2008-85,WBS2008-23
Limited Space Positioning Method Using Phase Information

Makoto KAWAKAMI,  Kenji MATUMOTO,  Hajime KUBOTA,  

[Paper #]SIP2008-86,WBS2008-24
An Improvement of Fast Color Removal Method Based on Signed Color Distance

Go TANAKA,  Noriaki SUETAKE,  Eiji UCHINO,  

[Paper #]SIP2008-87,WBS2008-25
The use of Hadamard Matrix as a Secret Key in Digital Image Watermarking

Keita HAMANO,  Masayoshi NAKAMOTO,  Takao HINAMOTO,  

[Paper #]SIP2008-88,WBS2008-26


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Notice for photocopying


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