Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Ultrasonics(Date:2006/10/12)



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[Paper #]
Instrumentation for Ultraviolet-Laser Excitation Microscopic Photothermal Lens Imaging and Observation of Biological Cells

Akira HARATA,  Takashi MATUDA,  Satoshi HIRASHIMA,  

[Paper #]US2006-52
Research of high performance silica-based thermooptic optical switches : diaphragm structure & thermoacoustic phenomenon

Takaya WATANABE,  

[Paper #]US2006-53
The softening of the polymer critical composition solution in the tricritical temperature region

Y. Masuda,  M. Kurachi,  M. Ohkubo,  H. Nakajima,  

[Paper #]US2006-54
Temperature Influence for Measurement of Concentration in Solutions Using VHF Ultrasonic Ligth Diffraction Effect

Kiyoshi Ikeda,  

[Paper #]US2006-55
Dielectric measurement for solidification process of a small water droplet

Takashi KOBAYASHI,  Haruhiko NAKAJIMA,  

[Paper #]US2006-56
Molecular orientation and polarization of diffracted light by ultrasound in liquids

Tatsuro MATSUOKA,  Junki MIYASHITA,  Yoshitaka MIZUTANI,  Shinobu KODA,  

[Paper #]US2006-57
Observation of Orientational Relaxation and Elastic Resonance Using Flow Birefringence Spectroscopy with Piezoelectric Actuators

Taichi HIRANO,  Keiji SAKAI,  

[Paper #]US2006-58
Professor Otohiko Nomoto and Ultrasound

Eiichi Fukada,  

[Paper #]US2006-59
Ultrasonic absorption in nucleotide and cyclodextrin aqueous solution

Minako Kondo,  Sadakatsu Nishikawa,  

[Paper #]US2006-60
Solution Properties of Polymer by Ultrasound in the Megahertz range

Hiroaki IKEDA,  

[Paper #]US2006-61
Excitation of capillary waves on gel surface by electric field tweezers

Maiko HOSODA,  Hideo OGAWA,  Kenshiro TAKAGI,  Hiroyasu NOMURA,  Keiji SAKAI,  

[Paper #]US2006-62
A History of Failure and Flop in my Studies on Molecular Acoustics : in Struggling with Thermal Phonons

Kenshiro TAKAGI,  

[Paper #]US2006-63


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