Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Ultrasonics(Date:2006/01/19)



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[Paper #]
Ultra-broadband Ultrasonic Imaging : Generation of Harmonic Beam by Transducer Divided into Bi-frequency

Iwaki AKIYAMA,  Akihisa OHYA,  Shigemi SAITO,  

[Paper #]US2005-102
Measurement of temperature rise in phantom with acrylic reflector caused by ultrasonic irradiation

Takahiro ISHIZEKI,  Takenobu TSUCHIYA,  Nobuyuki ENDOH,  

[Paper #]US2005-103
Numerical analysis of temperature rise in tissue caused by the absorption of ultrasound

Yoshikazu SAITO,  Takenobu TSUCHIYA,  Nobuyuki ENDOH,  

[Paper #]US2005-104
A novel ultrasonic diagnosis method of osteoporosis based on the bone structure : A proposition of a novel quantitative measurement of bone density and bone quality of cancellous bone

Takahiko OTANI,  

[Paper #]US2005-105
In vivo Observation for Biological Tissue by Acoustic Impedance Microscope

Kimura K,  S. Terauchi,  Y. Murakami,  N. Hozumi,  M. Nagao,  S. Yoshida,  K. Kobayashi,  Y. Saijo,  

[Paper #]US2005-106
Visualization of Propagation of Pulse Vibration along the Heart Wall and Imaging of its Propagation Speed

Hiroshi KANAI,  

[Paper #]US2005-107
Performance Assessment of Cross Sectional Sound Speed Image of the Wood Using Acoustic Tomographic Method

Tamiko KASHIMA,  Akira YAMADA,  

[Paper #]US2005-108
High Definition Imaging Techniques for Ultrasonic CT by Orthogonal Codes

Youichi YAMAMOTO,  Mitoshi FUJIMOTO,  Toshikazu HORI,  

[Paper #]US2005-109
Generation of ultrasonic truncated pulse and signal processing toward range measurement

Tomohiko Sugiyama,  Toshihiko Wada,  Tadashi Inoue,  

[Paper #]US2005-110
Multiple Objects Localization and Detection of Hidden Obstacles Utilizing High Directivity and Diffraction of Audible Sound

Haruhiko NIWA,  Tetsuya OGATA,  Kazunori KOMATANI,  Hiroshi G. OKUNO,  

[Paper #]US2005-111


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