Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Ultrasonics(Date:1999/11/11)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Lamb wave in a plate with varying thickness

Kenji Motegi,  

[Paper #]US99-59
Experimental observation of sonoluminescing bubble motion

Teruyuki KOZUKA,  Shin-ichi HATANAKA,  Toru TUZIUTI,  Kyuichi YASUI,  Hideto MITOME,  

[Paper #]US99-60
Development of surface acoustic wave devices using semiconductor/piezoelectric structures.

Hiromasa Goto,  Masamichi Tsunashima,  Yasuhito Kanno,  Naohiro Kuze,  Kazuhiko Yamanouchi,  

[Paper #]US99-61
Evaluating System of Solid Surface Condition Based on the Droplet Vibration Method

Shoichiro Ohshima,  Yoshikazu Matsui,  Shigeyuki Yamakita,  Riki Sugiyama,  Showko Shiokawa,  

[Paper #]US99-62
High Accuracy Concentration Meter Using Ultrasonic sensor

Tomoko Hosokawa,  Hajime Hachisuka,  

[Paper #]US99-63
Ultrasonic Cutting Tool using Torsional Mode Vibration

Souta miyoshi,  Tomohiko Terada,  

[Paper #]US99-64
Consideration of Analog / Digital Modulation Methods for the Sign-Post Using Ultrasonic Wave

Hisanori KANI,  Kazuhiro KOSHI,  Yoshiaki TADOKORO,  

[Paper #]US99-65
Photo response of SAW devices with AlGaAs/LiNbO_3 structure

T. Suda,  Y. Aoki,  C. Hong,  C. Kaneshiro,  K. Koh,  K. Hohkawa,  

[Paper #]US99-66


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