Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Ultrasonics(Date:1998/01/28)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Influence of fluid viscosity on the propagation of ultrasonic waves in bovine cancellous bone

Estelle CAMUS,  Kyosuke MUKUDA,  Takahiko OTANI,  Yoshiaki WATANEBE,  

[Paper #]US97-85
Evaluation of contact condirions between an underground pipe and the soil utilizing resonance of transverse Lamb wave

Hiroaki Seno,  Hiroshi Tanigawa,  Yoshiaki Watanabe,  Koshiro Nakajima,  

[Paper #]US97-86
Characteristics of the ultrasonic wave transmission in water-filled pipe networks


[Paper #]US97-87
Second harmonic component in the focused sound diffracted by a straight edge

Shigemi Saito,  Jung Soon Kim,  

[Paper #]US97-88
Surface Acoustic Wave Properties on rotated Y-cut La_3Ga_5SiO_<14> single crystal substrates

Michio Kadota,  Takeshi Kitamura,  Makoto Kumatoriya,  

[Paper #]US97-89
Frequency red shift of ultrasonic wave on acoustic radiation pressure and acoustic streaming

Masanori Sato,  Toshitaka Fujii,  

[Paper #]US97-90
Correlation between multibubble sonoluminescence intensity and harmonics of sound field

Liming Wang,  Hideto Mitome,  

[Paper #]US97-91
Acoustic radiation force on a bubble in progressive waves

Hideyuki Nomura,  Tomoo Kamakura,  

[Paper #]US97-92
On the ambient noise of tomography experiments in the Western Equatorial Pacific Oocean.

Toshiaki Nakamura,  Gang Yuan,  Junichi Kimura,  Yoshimitsu Maejima,  Hidetoshi Fujimori,  Iwao Nakano,  

[Paper #]US97-93
Analysis of sound propagation in ocean by approximation method based on Pade series

Eiji OHTSUKA,  Taro FUJII,  Takenobu TSUCHIYA,  Nobuyuki ENDOH,  

[Paper #]US97-94
The sound propagation analysis considered about characteristics of the occean bottom

Masuya HADA,  Taro FUJII,  Takenobu TSUCHIYA,  Nobuyuki ENDOH,  

[Paper #]US97-95


[Paper #]