Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Ultrasonics(Date:1995/08/25)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Tracking and analyzing fish echoes obtained by the split beam method

Kouichi Sawada,  Katsuo Hasegawa,  Yoichi Miyanohana,  Masahiko Furusawa,  Kenji Kuratsu,  

[Paper #]
Beamforming and range compression by transform domain signal processing.

Y. Takeuchi,  

[Paper #]
M-sequential signal transmitting with parametric acoustic array

T. Kitamura,  

[Paper #]
Research on hearing abilities and responses of fish to underwater sounds in Japan

Yoshimi Hatakeyama,  

[Paper #]
Analysis of Rayleigh waves on the surface of ground

Sayuri Kawashima,  Masao Kimura,  

[Paper #]
Underwater Ultrasonic Signal-Transmission Techniques for A Microtunneling Systems.

Katsuhiko Honjoh,  Kunio Hoshiya,  Sadahiko Nakano,  Hiroki Kuwano,  Hiroshi Matsunaga,  

[Paper #]
Characteristics of Progagating Pulse for Far-Range in Ocean Model with Sound-Speed Increasing Linearly

Shinichi Imayoshi,  Toshiaki Kikuchi,  Akio Hasegawa,  Toshio Tsuchiya,  Hidetoshi Hujimori,  

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