Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Reliability(Date:2004/05/14)



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Optimal Policies for a System with Two Types of Inspection

Satoshi MIZUTANI,  Toshio NAKAGAWA,  

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QOL Influence on Threshold Analysis in Medical Decision Making

Takashi SATOW,  Hajime KAWAI,  

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Discrete-Time Spare Ordering Policy with Discounting and Two Types of Lead Times

Bibhas C. GIRI,  Tadashi DOHI,  Naoto KAIO,  

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Comparison of Software Testing Methods Based on Statistical Models

Hiroyuki OKAMURA,  Tadashi DOHI,  

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Markov Modulated Software Reliability Models

Takao ANDO,  Hiroyuki OKAMURA,  Tadashi DOHI,  

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Further Results on Optimal Software Release Policies Based on a Markovian Software Reliability Model

Koichiro RINSAKA,  Tadashi DOHI,  

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A Method of Software Reliability Assessment in the Integration Testing for Distributed Development Environment

Yoshinobu TAMURA,  Shigeru YAMADA,  

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Testing-Effort Dependent Software Reliability Growth Modeling based on Stochastic Differential Equations

Shinji INOUE,  Shigeru YAMADA,  

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Software Performance Evaluation Method with Availability Model

Koichi TOKUNO,  Shigeru YAMADA,  

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Comparison between a Single Unit and a 2-unit Prallel System based on a Stackelberg Game

Hiroaki SANDOH,  Takeshi KOIDE,  

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