Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Reliability(Date:2001/10/11)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Discriminative Learning to Improve the Outlier Resistance of Neural Classifiers

Cheng-Lin Liu,  Hiroshi Sako,  

[Paper #]PRMU2001-99,NC2001-49
Learning Quadratic Discriminant Function for Handwritten Character Recognition

Cheng-Lin Liu,  Hiroshi Sakou,  Hiromichi Fujisawa,  

[Paper #]PRMU2001-100,NC2001-50
The Study of Effectiveness of Class-Dependent Features

Kazuaki AOKI,  Mineichi KUDO,  

[Paper #]PRMU2001-101,NC2001-51
A Multiclass Classification Method Based on Multiple Pairwise Classifiers

Tomoyuki HAMAMURA,  Hiroyuki MIZUTANI,  Bunpei IRIE,  

[Paper #]PRMU2001-102,NC2001-52
Unsupervised learning for single hypothesis problem via mixtures of modified quadratic discriminant functions

Tsuyoshi KATO,  Shinichiro OMACHI,  Hirotomo ASO,  

[Paper #]PRMU2001-103,NC2001-53
On the Approximation of Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems by Recurrent Neural Networks I.(Continuous Time Systems)

Ken-ichi Funabashi,  

[Paper #]PRMU2001-104,NC2001-54
Multi-Viewpoint Gesture Recognition by an Integrated Continuous State

Hiroaki KAWASHIMA,  Takashi MATSUYAMA,  

[Paper #]PRMU2001-105,NC2001-55
Fractal-based Image Disocclusion using Kernel Principal Components Analysis

Shintaro IZOE,  Yukiko KENMOCHI,  Kazunori KOTANI,  

[Paper #]PRMU2001-106,NC2001-56
Prediction of protein localization sites by a support vector machine

Taku Yoshioka,  Shin Ishii,  

[Paper #]PRMU2001-107,NC2001-57
The Fisher Kernel and Beyond

Koji TSUDA,  

[Paper #]PRMU2001-108,NC2001-58


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